
The Executioner And Her Way Of Life “Pandæmonium” Review

The Executioner And Her Way Of Life "The Duo's Journey"

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The Executioner And Her Way Of Life “Pandæmonium” Review

The Executioner And Her Way Of Life “Pandæmonium” is the eleventh episode of the Virgin Road anime. Follwing the events and shocking ending of episode 10, Menou continues to battle Pandæmonium but soon begins to run out of Ether. Fortunately, Ashuna arrives at the scene and provides crucial support, allowing Menou to use a powerful spell to trap Pandæmonium. However, she manages to escape and summons a large monster. Meanwhile, Akari decides to use her power to help heal Momo but is confronted by a clone of Pandæmonium. She reveals that due to Akari’s repeated resets of the timeline, it is causing the world to slowly collapse, weakening the fog wall enough to allowing Pandæmonium to squeeze a small portion of her real body through a breach. Pandæmonium also reveals to Akari that her attempts to be killed by Menou’s hand will be impossible due to more powerful beings like Flare having access to the Astral Archive interfering. Pandæmonium also reveals to Akari that there is a way to return to Japan. Outside, Menou figures out that the monster Pandæmonium summoned can only be manifested temporarily before it is pulled back into the fog wall, with the same happening to Pandæmonium herself. However, before she is fully pulled back in, she transformes herself into a monster for one final battle against Menou and Ashuna.

Akari Lost

Whilst Akari was always my favourite character, it’s nice to see her bested by another Pure Concept, she’s obviously still more powerful  and dangerous as it was her that allowed Pandemonium to escape in the first place, but she’s no match for Pandemonium’s manipulation skills. It’ll be interesting to see how Akari deals with Flare, who is clearly her biggest threat right now and how Menou will react to Akari going against Flare.


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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.