V-Wars – Bad As Me Review

Our Rating


V-Wars – ‘Bad As Me’ Review

Last Sunday, March 14th, we had our weekly watch and tweet party to comment V-Wars 1×04, ‘Bad As Me’. If you have no idea what party I’m talking about, check my previous reviews and the article where I explain the party details! I’m sure you’d love to join.

SPOILER ALERT, read at your own risk.

V-Wars – ‘Bad As Me’ Synopsis

Luther (Ian Somerhalder) pleads with the DNS to bring in Michael (Adrian Holmes) alive, but other pursuers have less peaceful intentions. Meanwhile, Danika’s (Kimberly-Sue Murray) urges grow stronger.


Alright, we need to talk about many things here. It wasn’t my favourite episode, but it had some interesting events.

First, the situation for the government keeps getting worse. Not a surprise, I doubt any government has a protocol for “sudden vampire virus outbreak”. They keep being obsessed about capturing Fayne, “Patient 0”, but Luther persuades them to let him handle his friend.

Fayne is hunting and feeding, but he stopped being very cautious and he is spotted by a couple farmers. He runs and hides in a cabin that is lost in the woods. Although this isn’t a random cabin.

The bikers leader seems to go crazier every episode. In this one he’s 100% sure one of his men is a vampire, Monster, and he orders another one, Jimmy (Michael Greyeyes), to kill him. Here we have one of the biggest plot twists until now: Jimmy is an infiltrated FBI agent! Things just got a lot more spicier…

Later we’re introduced to a new character: Ava O’Malley (Sydney Meyer), the daughter of a new vampire who looks very badass and not soft at all. Her entrance to the show, beating two guys with nothing more than words, is quite spectacular.

The hacker team gets into trouble with the government when they manage to track their location. Their way to manage Kaylee (Jacky Lai) is quite…”unprofessional”. Is it a surprise coming from the government?

A little surprise we’re given, is that there isn’t only one kind of vampires. Luther and his team find out a different modus operandi in vamps attacks, what means more stuff to investigate. Initially they call them ‘Verdulaks‘.

Remember Danika, the vamp who was experiencing strange symptoms? She keeps experiencing them, but it looks like she has more control over it since she manages to not kill her prey. Her sister, on the other side, isn’t doing so good.

One of my favourite scenes was when Michael came into where Ava was to save her from the guys who were hunting him. I find it so damn powerful! We can actually see Michael’s human side, even if he’s a vampire.

Let’s not forget about the riders. Their crazy leader was too impatient and killed Monster himself! And he almost discovers Jimmy. Will he go crazier?

A very heartwarming scene that I love is a flashback of Luther and Michael fishing. It was very refreshing to see some nice stuff among all these blood and fangs. Sadly, just after that, Luther has to kill his bodyguard to save his assistant. We can see here how Niklos is watching literally every move that Luther or Claire (Kandyse McClure) make. This just confirms Niklos isn’t a good guy.

After this, Luther goes to the cabin lost in the woods, knowing he’d find Michael there. They have a very tense meeting, and the sudden sniper just made everything worse. Nevertheless, Michael saves Luther’s life, proving he still has his human feelings. Luther confronts Claire about the sniper, since it was the reason his tactic with Fayne failed, and they both discover there’s a traitor amongst them…

V-Wars – ‘Bad As Me’ Review

This episode wasn’t my favourite, but it gave us some very important details. Aside from the drama that keeps evolving, these new characters and the development of every sub-plot looks like they’re building something way bigger. We’re halfway through V-Wars, and I feel we still have a lot to learn and some plot twists to watch.

I love the way they use the lights and set to transmit every emotion we should feel in every scene. The characters feel perfectly and the scenarios are just great done.

The cast keeps amazing me. I love the way Adrian Holmes embodies Fayne and gets to show us two completely different sides. Ian Somerhalder is also doing a spectacular job. He fits perfectly with every other character and warms our heart with his character.

We’re getting to the end of the show and I keep being more and more excited!!

Join me to watch & comment on FANdemonium’s twitter (@FANdemoniumNet) the next episode next Sunday, March 21st!!

About author(s)

Amy Barker

Hi, I'm Amy. I was born into the fandom life and was taught all its magical ways. When I am not working, playing video games, attending conventions (where I dabble in cosplay); I am binge watching anything and everything. Though I do have to admit I am more inclined to sci-fi and supernatural genre; though I have a soft spot for historical dramas.