
Wonder Egg Priority “Confession” Review

Wonder Egg Priority "An Unvanquished Warrior"

Our Rating

Overall Score 9.1

Wonder Egg Priority “Confession” Review

Wonder Egg Priority “Confession” is the tenth episode in the Wonder Egg series. Much like episode 9 it focuses mainly on one character but still pushes the plot along at a good pace.

This episode we focus on Momoe and her struggles. But also find hints at the dark underbelly of the Egg World.


Beginning the epiosde we see Momoe on a date. Later on in the episode we find out that the boy who asked Momoe out only did so because he thought she was a guy.

Cut to Momoe’s egg battle and she protects a trans-boy. Who was raped by his kendo teacher because the teacher couldn’t believe such a cute “girl” was a boy on the inside. He kisses Momoe after the battle before disappearing. Just like others. But this time she doesn’t seem to mind at all. Which is clearly humorous for Panic, her Crocodile companion.

Meanwhile Ai is weighing her options regarding Mr. Sawaki. He invites her to his art exhibition and he’s also leaving the school to be a full time artist. She’s clearly conflicted but decides to go. Whilst there she openly asks why her friend died but we never hear his answer.

We cut to Momoe again who is clearly distressed and we see why. Her statue came back but her friend she fought so hard to bring back is a ghost and not at all alive again. She’s then confronted by a schoolgirl with a scythe and a butterfly head. This creature murders Panic and feeds his meat to Momoe. She’s literally had a taste of death.


This is definitely the episode that got me shaken up. The cuteness of the ending credits song just doesn’t add up to what’s going on with the girls. Especially Momoe. I knew at some point the anime would take a darker tone, a bit puella magica like, but I wasn’t ready for this.

Perhaps because the creators have left all of this and created more questions than answers so late into the show it took me off guard. But God it was good. The rest of the girls are fighting probably to face the same disappointment and despair and they have no idea.

I’m hoping Momoe will warn them all but for now she seems to be having a complete breakdown.

This has to be the best episode so far. It’s only one of two that has made me genuinely angry I have to wait another week for a hint of an answer.

Bring on episode 11!


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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.