Recap: What We Do in the Shadows 208: Collaboration

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Another winning episode that shows Harvey Guillen's incredible range as an actor.

Recap: What We Do in the Shadows 208: Collaboration

Shadows 208 collaboration

Photo credit: FX

What We Do in the Shadows 208: Collaboration brings back a familiar we aren’t familiar with, and Colin convinces Nadja and Laszlo to perform during an open mic night.

Come On, Eileen Chum on Irene

Shadows 208 collaboration

Photo credit: FX

Laszlo(Matt Berry) finds out that an old tune of his has been stolen and has been a human favorite since the 1980s. Thank God the jogger he was feeding on knew the tune and what year it was released.

At home, Laszlo is raging. Many of his tunes have been stolen for centuries, including “Row, Row, Row Boat” and For “He’s a Jolly Good Fellow“. Sure, the lyrics were changed, but damn it, man.

As the married vampires go over their old songs(Nadja is the brilliant lyricist), Colin Robinson(Mark Proksch) offers his help. There is an open mic night and he can get them in. Of course, Colin doesn’t tell them that anyone can get in on an open mic night. Colin knows that Nadja(Natasia Demetriou) and Laszlo on stage will be prime feeding for him.

An Unfamiliar Familiar at the Door

Shadows 208 collaboration

Photo credit: FX

In the middle of Laszlo’s lamenting, the doorbell rings. Guillermo(Harvey Guillén) answers it, and an elderly man named Benji tells him that he is here to have Nandor(Kayvan Novak) turn him. He was Nandor’s familiar in the 1970s.

Shadows 208 Collaboration

Look at this photograph; every time I do it makes me laugh.
Photo credit: FX

Nandor had given him a brain wipe(not the brain scramblies) when Benji was too vocal about being turned. He dropped him in the middle of nowhere and figured that was that.

But an app has restored his memory, and Benji wants his due.

An upset Guillermo shows Benji to the bedroom that he now lives in. Benji is very familiar with the old pillow, he tells Guillermo. Intimately familiar.

The Familiars Mixer

Benji tags along with Guillermo to the latest familiars mixer. The fact that Benji knows some of the elderly familiars does not give Guillermo hope.

Shadows 208 Collaboration

In comes former familiar Celeste(Greta Lee), recently turned and looking for familiars. She doesn’t poach, but will offer her familiars a fast turnaround of eight months. After that, the vampire community will have vampire stuff, like vampire math and vampire origami.

Guillermo Quits

Guillermo confronts Nandor at home. He bluntly asks Nandor if he will turn him or not. Nandor stammers and makes no promise. Angry, Guillermo packs his things and quits, heading to Celeste’s.

Open Mic Night Arrives

Colin has prime seating for open mic night. The vampires are not impressing anyone, eliciting boos and abuse with their music.

As a last resort, the duo sings one of their sea shanties that everyone seems to know the lyrics to.

They are killing it then, and then kill some of the audience later. Win/win.

At Celeste’s

Guillermo actually has a large room, and is cherished and trusted. Sam, the cat familiar, is there and has put out a loaded charcuterie board. He has time alone. Nandor comes to visit, and things do not go well. It seems that Benji is grating on Nandor’s every last nerve. Guillermo stays, and Nandor heads home alone.

Celeste is ready to orgy with her new familiars, when there is a knock at the door. Celeste’s master is home a month early from her perv hunting vacation in Florida.

In a panic, Celeste removes her fake fangs and admits she is still human. She just wanted to taste the vampire life. She tells the familiars to run, but it is too late. Her master kicks down the door and Celeste lies, telling her master that the humans are for her consumption. A blood bath ensues, but plucky Guillermo grabs sam and escapes.


Nandor and Guillermo literally run into each other as Guillermo escapes.

Unaware of what happened, Nandor apologizes to Guillermo, and Guillermo is able to negotiate better conditions. Nandor has bought him a new pillow.

Guillermo drives Benji and Nandor to a gas station in the middle of nowhere and drops him off. At first he seems like a doddering old hypnotized man, but as Guillermo drives away, he turns into a bat and flies off.

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Angel Miller

Hi! I am from Kentucky, and am usually being a human. Love God, family, country, rescue animals, and my fandoms. Also chocolate. I get overly angry when people's glasses on TV are not right.