Recap: What We Do in the Shadows 207: The Return

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The hilarious Nick Kroll returns in this fun episode.

Recap: What We Do in the Shadows 207: The Return

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Photo credit: FX

What We Do in the Shadows 207: The Return: An old frienemy returns and invites himself and his friends to live in the vampire’s house. Colin deals with an online troll.

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Photo credit: FX

The Talkies

Laszlo(Matt Berry) and Nadja(Natasia Demetriou) are walking home from the movies. They hate the new films, what with their talking and pop music. Reading is an integral part of movies, dammit!

As they walk, a voice beckons from the sewer grate. It’s not a clown, no.

We mean no harm, we’re just walking in your shit pipe!

They follow the voice until they see it is Simon the Devious(Nick Kroll). He and Count Rapula(Michael Dara) survived the nightclub explosion, and have been living in the sewers since. Simon also found a new love, Carol(Christine Ebadi). Really freaky looking Carol.

Nadja invites them to come visit, and they take her up on the offer. Like, immediately. So much so that they beat the walking vamps back to the house.

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Photo credit: FX

Carol hates Guillermo(Harvey Guillén).

The Tour

Nandor(Kayvan Novak) was giving the new vampires a tour of the house when Nadja and Laszlo came home. There’s extra coffins, spare rooms, and vampire Elvis(Shawn Wayne Klush).

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Vampire Elvis.
Photo credit: FX

Internet Troll

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Photo credit: FX

Colin can feed from internet strife, but it takes work. Luckily, Colin doesn’t mind. He replies the worst possible and condescending ways, feeding off the reactions.

But lately, he has been getting some grief from another troll that keeps getting him banned and suspended. He is keeping Colin from his food, and Colin goes on the hunt for him, using his internet skills to track the troll down(the troll actually tells him where to find him).

Simon The Devious Thief

Laszlo is certain that Simon is there for one thing only. The cursed hat he tried to take from Laszlo by force at the nightclub. Nadja thinks it is gone, but Laszlo still has it.

Simon is caught creeping around with a hat shaped lump, and Laszlo calls him out in front of the other vampires. But it is just a bat made out of sewer scrap Laszlo had made as a gift.

Laszlo is forced to apologize. Sorry really is the hardest word.


I know what you are!

Guillermo is cleaning, enjoying the peace and quiet when the vampires should be sleeping.

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Photo credit: FX

Carol surprises him, telling him she knows he is a slayer. She lunges for him, and Guillermo accidentally kills her with a broom handle.

Nandor catches him, and promises to keep it a secret. But Nandor becomes wary when Guillermo accidentally almost stakes him.

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Photo credit: FX

The Meeting

Simon calls a meeting, much to the chagrin of the vampires.

He announces that Carol has slipped away in the night, but more importantly that he wants “THAT HAT”.

Laszlo and Simon fight in bat form, the curse from the hat giving them both trouble as each takes control of it.

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Fighting for control of the hat.
Photo credit: FX

He’s Called Devious For a Reason

The fight ends up in the sewers, where Simon reveals that his crew mostly survived. Oh, and he persuaded vampire Elvis to join him. They surprise the Staten Island vampires, and a victorious Simon wins the hat. Transforming into his human form, he reveals that he wants the life Laszlo has, and that his life with his crew isn’t enough. They no longer make him happy. Wearing the hat, Simon realizes that he melded his foot into the sewer grate when he turned from bat to human, and slowly begins to sink into the sewer goo.

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Photo credit: FX

His gang abandons him, since they heard his insults. And Nandor affirms that Carol definitely wasn’t killed by Guillermo.

Laszlo tells Guillermo to stay in case the hat resurfaces. A still wary Nandor wonders why Guillermo is so interested in whether or not Simon can actually drown.

A Real Troll

I’m gonna teach this beef jerky a thing or two about boredom.

Colin finds that the troll trolling him was an actual troll.

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Photo credit: FX

The troll is offended by the term “internet troll.” The troll is also very naked. Colin drains the creature with inane conversation until the sun comes up. The troll turns to stone, and Colin almost gets away. With its last bit of mobility, it grabs Colin’s upraised hands and encases them in stone. Colin is chagrined.

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Photo credit: FX

What were your favorite moments from What We Do in the Shadows 207: The Return?

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About author(s)

Angel Miller

Hi! I am from Kentucky, and am usually being a human. Love God, family, country, rescue animals, and my fandoms. Also chocolate. I get overly angry when people's glasses on TV are not right.