
What We Do in the Shadows: “Manhattan Nightclub”

What We Do in the Shadows - The Curse

Our Rating

Cursed objects9.4
Flying-both real and fake9.8
Another hit for this fledgling series.

What We Do in the Shadows, episode 4: “Manhattan Nightclub”


What We Do in the Shadows
Photo credit: FX

The episode opens with neo-vampire Jennelf(Beanie Feldstein) awakening from the dead on a gurney, and heading back to the dorms. She still doesn’t know she’s a vampire…Guillermo talks about some of the nice things his master has done, including holding him up in front of a mirror, to make it look like he is flying.

The Vampire Gang Need an Alliance

To ensure that their domination of Staten Island moves at a timely pace, the vampires decide to form an alliance with a pack of Manhattan vampires, led by Simon the Devious(Nick Kroll). To Nadja’s(Natasia Demetriou) dismay, Laszlo(Matt Berry) insists on wearing his hat. Did I mention the hat is made of witch’s skin? Also, it is cursed. Capes on, the trio heads out. Laszlo and Nadja take a taxi. Colin Robinson(Mark Proksch), energy vampire, decides to tag along. But Nandor(Kayvan Novak) has some alone time with his familiar, Guillermo(Harvey Guillen). In a boat. With only Guillermo rowing.

The taxi snags Laszlo’s cape, dragging him repeatedly. If you look closely, you see the cursed hat scrambling after him.

At the Club

What We Do in the Shadows vampires

The Cursed Hat on Display
Photo Credit: FX

The Manhattan club has changed since they were there last-capes are no longer the bee’s knees. Familiar Guillermo meets with other vampire familiars, seeing he has it better and worse than they do. His feelings are very hurt when Nandor tells a vampire that he can have Guillermo to eat if he really wanted him.

It’s Simon, being Devious.
Photo Credit: AV Club/FX

Nadja finds Simon first, and they catch up. He agrees to an alliance-but only if he gets Laszlo’s hat.

I’m Flyin–oops

To apologize, Nandor actually takes Guillermo flying over the city, accidentally dropping him. Luckily he lands on an abandoned food truck, after crashing through some bushes.

Laszlo Hands over the Hat

Laszlo hands over his cursed hat, but not 100% willingly. Simon renegs on his deal, and the defeated vampires leave, crushed and outnumbered by the club vampires. But the cursed hat comes into play, and the nightclub explodes, leaving them as the only survivors.

They visit Guillermo in the hospital, and among the ashes that used to be Simon, Laszlo finds the damned hat.

Thoughts on Episode 4

I can’t say it enough-WATCH THIS SHOW

Laszlo’s pronunciation of Manhattan is the best

The story behind the hat, and what the sucking on the back of the head was…

This episode proves that Matt Berry has more comedy talent in his index finger than most do in their whole body.

This show is becoming a who’s who of guest stars, just leaving it at that.

The vampire Familiar’s lounge/bathroom was gross/funny.

That damned hat, though.

I’m flying!
Not really
Photo credit: FX

“I’m Flyyyiiinnnggg! It’s like I’m a vampire!”

You’re really not, though.

About author(s)

Angel Miller

Hi! I am from Kentucky, and am usually being a human. Love God, family, country, rescue animals, and my fandoms. Also chocolate. I get overly angry when people's glasses on TV are not right.

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