Viz Media plans new Tokyo travel companion

Viz Media plans new Tokyo travel companion – The best guide to the city yet!

Japan fans unite! Viz media have confirmed today that they will be releasing a new travel companion dedicated to Tokyo. Stated for release June 9th. The travel guide is set to be one of the most in depth one yet. Focusing purely on the country’s capital. It will focus less on more tourist type things and more on secrets only the locals know. Helping you to develop a deeper understanding of the city and it’s culture.

Viz media have stated in their press release for the product:

Ever wanted to explore the megacity Tokyo and
didn’t know where to start? For 365 days of the year, Tokyo :Day By Day
takes you on an adventure through this dazzling and magical city most tourists
never see.
Walk down hidden cobblestoned alleyways lit by traditional minka homes and
into the dreamest of flower parks filled with lavender; taste the myriad sweets
and pastries and learn the art of Maito Kuramae–all fueled by ramen, the
city’s signature dish, and tea, always tea.
With its endless imagination, enchanting atmosphere, grand passion and true
beauty, Tokyo: Day By Day is the ultimate travel companion for both frequent
and first-time visitors. Plus, you’ll never get lost thanks to the expertly
mapped out location, contact, and train stop information.

Holiday planning

The book will be chock full of information based on seasonal holidays and festivals. With all of the contact information needed to find yourself walking around and enjoying the country just like a local in no time! The book promises to be beautiful, with multiple photographs showing the seasons, festivals, city streets. With most of us hoping to find ourselves on holiday when the world returns back to normal. Or as normal as things can get, considering. This is the perfect time to be planning a massive get-away to one of the most desirable city’s in the world.

The book is currently up for pre-order on Viz media’s website here.



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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.

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