
Combatants Will Be Dispatched “Kisaragi Leaders Will Be Livestreamed” Review

Combatants Will Be Dispatched "Strong Partner And Smart Partner"

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Overall Score9.1

Combatants Will Be Dispatched “Kisaragi Leaders Will Be Livestreamed” Review

Combatants Will Be Dispatched “Kisaragi Leaders Will Be Livestreamed” is the tenth episode of the Combatants anime. Unlike episode 9 this is a filler / bridge episode which takes place mostly on Earth. With Agent 6 appearing mostly only on livestream. The rest of the episode is spent with Lilith, Astaroth and Belial.


The episode begins with the three ladies. Lilith, Astaroth and Belial having a victory party over the defeat of the heroes. However unbeknownst to Astaroth and Belial Lilith is recording them in their swimsuits and livestreaming it. Whilst hanging out and having a good time the two chat and come clean about the survey for best employee they do every year. Agent 6 started it and apparently bribed people into voting for Astaroth when he first joined. The idea initially stated when a spider villain and grasshopper villain.

Lilith lures people in by making the rest of the stream subscription only. Which Agent 6 subscribes to. Whilst getting some images of their swimsuits Astaroth gets a little drunk and opens up about how fond she is of Agent 6. And how she doesn’t want to make the employee cuts that they’re facing but everyone hears her saying how much she wants to stand up for the employees.

So despite all of Lilith’s cheating and she cheats massively by mass employing people and saying they’d get accepted by voting for her. Astaroth finishes second in the poll until they’re all interrupted by villains attacking the place. Because of Lilith’s livestream they know where they are and the villains face a massive fight on their hands.

The episode ends with Agent 6 going off to bed before his big fight the next day. As Alice has assured him she has a plan. Of course it’s an evil plan but they’re villains it has to be.


This was a great filler! Whilst I was expecting to see more of Agent 6 and Co. I’m glad the show focused on the Kisaragi Leaders. They’re all great characters and Lilith’s evil side is truly shown here. She’s definitely the most evil one. A genius for sure. She’s constantly getting evil points for doing underhanded things. And she’s always getting away with it.

Perhaps because of her young looks but whatever the reason. She can talk her way out of anything and I love her now more than I did in episode 1. It’s clear that Lilith’s evil streak has passed onto Alice as she’s gonna force Agent 6 to owe her big time by removing his minus points restrains.

The whole episode was amazing. Funny but insightful as well. I’m really starting to root for the Kisaragi corporation.

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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.