
To Your Eternity “New Family” Review

To Your Eternity "A Girl Named Tonari"

Our Rating

Overall Score9.5

To Your Eternity “New Family” Review

To Your Eternity “New Family” is the tenth episode of the To Your Eternity anime. Continuing on from the action in episode 9 Gugu fights off a Nokker. And Rean finally accepts a nice middle ground for her situation.

Defeating the Nokker

Fushi and Gugu do battle with the mysterious creatures we now know are called Nokkers. With his strength failing him and his forms being increasingly stolen. Gugu runs to get help from Booze Man. He had noticed earlier that the booze in his stomach was massively flammable. Upon entering the store he sees Rean with her parents who are forcing her to leave. He drunkenly makes his way to Booze Man and demands a top up of the strongest stuff they have.

Gugu leaves and in his moment of drunken courage tells Rean that no one cares for her as much as he does. Rean’s parents try to leave but Pioran stops them by blocking the door. Gugu runs back to Fushi but all of his forms have been taken. He uses a torch and the booze to set the Nokker alight multiple times until it’s defeated. Fushi isn’t there though, he follows a light that stems from the destroyed core of the Nokker and it turns into a pebble. That pebble is influenced by “The Creator” and becomes wolf Fushi. The two boys share in delight at being alive and reunited before heading home.

Making choices and looking to the future

Everyone has dinner at the shop that night. And Rean’s mother compliments Gugu’s cooking saying it’s better than the chef’s. At the end of the day though Rean decides to go back home with her parents. Gugu understands her predicament but is OK with it. Fushi comes across “The Creator” again who explains to him that without moving forward he’ll never be stronger than the Nokkers and for that reason he has to leave. Fushi refuses saying he needs Gugu and that he’s staying put.

Cut to 4 years later and the crew are all older and still chilling out together. Gugu is now ripped. Rean looks basically the same but more mature and Fushi has got hairs on his chin. The only real difference with Fushi is looking older and knowing how to cook well now. Which, I suppose was The Creator’s point. He’s not really made much headway except his speech is better too. None of that will help him in a fight…


This was an amazing episode! Seeing Gugu kick that Nokker’s butt was so satisfying but I was scared for a second there as I assumed Fushi would’ve had it. The time skip did throw me off a bit. I was assuming Gugu would die this episode or next, but as a boy, not as Arnold Schwarzenegger with a mask on. The time skip was definitely necessary as it’s showing exactly what The Creator warned about.

The brotherly love Fushi and Gugu have is unmatched once again. But the star of this show is Gugu himself. He never gives up, he’s always optimistic and loves deeply. All of that is even more evident as he gets older. Though I suspect time is running out for him as he’s had more death flags than a character in Game Of Thrones.

All in all a great episode which highlights the importance of freedom and choice as a human. But also living with the consequences of those choices. And being strong enough to not allow other people’s choices affect how you see the world and act towards it and people in it.

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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.