
The Last Kingdom Season 4 Roundtable Discussion

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Dan's Score8
Kim's Score8
Clare's Score9
Sophie's Score9

The Last Kingdom Season 4 Roundtable Discussion

The Last Kingdom isn’t a show we have covered before, but with the arrival of the fourth season we’ve noticed a lot of our followers watch the show. With that in mind we assembled a handful of fans and sat down to turn over the events of season four. Contributing are our Editor Clare, Sophie, Kim, Amy and Dan.

The Last Kingdom



The Last Kingdom Osferth Finan Sihtric

Okay, let’s begin!

First of all, did you enjoy The Last Kingdom season 4?

DJ – I did. I deliberately didn’t read too much about it in advance or even watch the trailer. I wanted everything to be a surprise. Sometimes that can be difficult when you work with people who are on a show, as in this instance, but fortunately Arnas (Federavicius, who plays Sihtric) and Mark (Rowley, who plays Finan) are both consummate professionals and didn’t reveal any details in advance – for which I am extremely grateful. This allowed me to watch season 4 on a clean slate, and just enjoy it for what it is.

C – I really did. I’ve seen some people online complain about the lack of big battles but I didn’t feel that at all. This season was about Uhtred (Alexander Dreymon) growing up, especially in the light of Alfred (David Dawson) and Beocca (Ian Hart)’s deaths. He’s not the same impetuous man he was, he’s becoming more reasoned and diplomatic.

K– Oh yes really enjoyed season 4. Probably my favourite season so far actually. There was a good mix of fights, battles, humour and such for me that I never felt episodes flagged or lost their flow. There was always something going on which kept me hooked start to finish.

DJ – I definitely agree there. There wasn’t a single episode that I thought was slower than the others. There was lots going on all the time, which made it so easy to binge watch!

S – I loved every second of this season, the battles were really well choreographed and even gorier than before! I loved the humor this season, the funny one liners, mostly from Finan were hilarious. I think they nailed the pace for S4, there were no slow episodes and the story kept me on my toes throughout.

A – This season was great; I loved the fact that there weren’t big battles. How it was about the kingdoms and the battle within them.

Most shocking moment?


DJ – The moment that shocked me the most was Uhtred allowing Brida (Emily Cox) to be taken by the Welsh. I didn’t expect him to kill her and send her to Valhalla, but I did expect him to put up a little more resistance when they took her away.

C – I have to say the one that surprised me the most, to the point where I actually yelled out loud at the screen, was Steappa (Adrian Bouchet)’s death. I didn’t see that coming at all.

DJ – I did appreciate how… violent his death was.

S – I sat looking at the screen with my mouth gaping when his head popped like a melon, I didn’t see that coming either!

My shock moment was Uhtred not helping Brida when the Welsh took her, he just stood there, he didn’t even try to help her. I understand he couldn’t bring himself to kill her but come on Uhtred!! Claim her as yours or give her a knife or something so she could end her own suffering, not that I want Brida dead, I love Brida.

K– Shocking moment for me I think was Uhtred letting Brida just be taken by the Welsh as well. No fight or anything. I thought he may have gone and rescued her and I was actually waiting for him to do so,but after it happened he didn’t seem to be that bothered in my eyes and continued on like nothing happened.

Also I was actually taken back by Eadith (Stephanie Martini) landing her brother in it for killing Aethelred (Toby Regbo). I didn’t think she was actually going to have the guts to say anything when things could have turned out very different but I am glad she did speak up against her brother after how he treated her and saved the group with her bravery for speaking up.

DJ – Yeah, Eadith landing her brother in it was a bit of a shock for me. They’d been pretty loyal to each other until that point. Though I suppose in the end they (sort of) parted on good terms again when he stopped her from getting taken (or worse) by Sygtriggr (Eysteinn Sigurðarson).

A – The one shocker for me this season was Uhtred letting the Welsh take Brida, to me that was a little out of character for him. I expected him to claim her as his or give her the knife or anything other than give her over to the Welsh.

We had several big character deaths this season, which one made the biggest impression on you?

DJ – There are 2 that stick out for me as leaving big impressions. The first is one that I think will be shared by many – Beocca. He was very much the heart and soul of the group and his death left a lasting impact on the remaining characters, most evidently Uhtred. I do think the show missed him after he was gone. The second is slightly more controversial. I’ll start by saying that I know this particular character was a vile human, however shows need vile humans in order to add intrigue, suspense and a bit of mystery as to what might happen next. So yes, I do miss Aethelred. I even almost felt sorry for him in his final episode. He was a cruel character, but one whose machinations cannot be replicated (despite them trying).

The Last Kingdom Beocca

C – I agree with both of those. Beocca has been such an integral part of Uhtred’s journey to this point, but I think it was needed in order to push him in a new direction. As for Aethelred, I hated him for most of his time on the show but I still think what Eardwulf (Jamie Blackley) did was unnecessarily cruel.

K – For me the one death that made me cry a lot was of course dear, Beocca. Being such an integral part of Uhtred’s life in so many ways and for so long i was really sad to see him go. He gave up his life to save young Uhtred’s life which I did not see coming at all! The scene with Finan and Uhtred on the hill when he’s burying the cross, that really got me.

Aethelred’s death made me hold my head whilst watching what happened to him, but I wasn’t sad for his death, just shocked on how he died other than just the battle wound he ended up with which made more of an impression then his actual death.

The Last Kingdom Aethelred

S – I share all of those but Beocca was the one to get me, I cried. In fact I am still upset now. I fully expected Uhtred to kick ass and claim back what was his, this was the last thing I would have predicted. I loved Beocca. He was one of my favourites, the relationship he had with Uhtred melted my heart.

A – Beocca’s death destroyed me, he’s a character we’ve had since the beginning. He’s had some of the funniest one liners in the series and seeing him in battle was always a favorite of mine to watch.

We also met a lot of new characters, Young Uhtred, Stiorra, Sigtryggr to name but a few. Who was your favourite new addition?

DJ – I have a very simple answer to this question. Sigtryggr. He’s ruthless when he needs to be, but overall is level-headed, calculating and only wants what is best for his people. He may, possibly, be the character in power throughout the entire show that cares the most about the people – both those he commands and those he does not. Obviously this is all so far – there’s no telling what may happen in season 5 (hoping that there will be one), but for now he is definitely a firm favourite of mine.


C – I really like Stiorra (Ruby Hartley). She is very definitely her father’s daughter. I am really looking forward to seeing what happens with her and Sigtryggr going forwards, I think that could be a really interesting dynamic.

K – Hands down Stiorra is my new favourite. As soon as she appeared on the screen I couldn’t believe how much she (well the wonderful actress) looks like her mother Gisela and also has her quick thinking brain and smart mouth too from both her parents. I loved the fact she never showed fear when being with Sigtryggr as well and I hope she will be safe and happy with him in the future. Looking forward to seeing what happens for her next.

DJ – Yeah, I’m definitely interested to see where the story with Stiorra and Sigtryggr goes in the future. They’re both really strong and likeable characters, and I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of them.

S – Sigtryggr, from the moment he made his first appearance. He is totally different from all the Danes we have seen, he doesn’t let his emotions get the better of him, he knows what he wants and understands a way to do it without excessive force but is still ruthless enough to know you shouldn’t cross him. I laughed when he backhanded Eardwulf.

A – Young Uhtred, he has his father’s sassiness which I love. I wanna hope he’s going to be a mixture of Beocca and Uhtred combined; definitely since he’s had a taste of battle and being with his father. Sigtryggr is another favorite from this season that I enjoyed. He’s completely different from all the Danes we have seen over the series and he’s bringing a new attitude towards the Dane lifestyle.

What were some of your favourite moments from this season?

DJ – I always love the battle scenes and this season was no different. Some of the fight choreography was superb – I really enjoyed it. They also demonstrated different types of battles – it was nice to finally see a siege! I’m also a big fan of politics in shows as I always feel like it adds an extra level to the plots and this season didn’t disappoint there either. So much great work happened in this season and it was a delight to behold.

The Last Kingdom Sihtric

C – Agreed, the fights this season also felt like they had matured. We’ve gone beyond Shield Walls which I felt had gotten a bit stale. Yes, I know it was how they fought, but you can have too much of a good thing. That’s why when Sygtriggr called a shield wall in the finale it really had an impact.

One of my favourite moments came fairly early on, when Uhtred sent his son (Finn Elliot) North to Bebbanburg. For all his protestations that he was a devout man of God and nothing like his father, young Uhtred displayed a natural cunning in winning over the two priests and sneaking around the fortress.

K – For me there were some highlight scenes in quite emotional moments. When Uhtred is burying the cross up on the hill after losing Beocca,the talk between him and Finan really did make me cry because you could see how much Beocca meant to them both. Like Finan said he really was a father figure which was such a huge deal to Uhtred. Another moment not to long after that was when Finan was telling Young Uhtred that he should be proud to follow him. That whole speech was so personal I thought and trying to make Young Uhtred see that his own father is also going through things and also hurting over so much.

S – This is a difficult question! I love the bromance between Uthred and Finan, as Kim has said, the talk between them after burying Beocca <3. It’s hard for me to pick a moment, for me it’s the characters that make the moments. I think Finan has been amazing this season, team Uhtred feels more like a family this season, it’s clear they would do anything for each other. Uhtred finally reunited with 2 of his children, even though his son didn’t like him at first. Then Uhtred being Uhtred won him over. The scene when he reunites with his son and gives him a pony…. I laughed.

A – There was quite a bit of light humor this season that I loved. We really got to see the bromance between Finan and Uhtred, how they are brothers in everything but blood.

A lot of commentary online so far has been regarding the decision-making of certain characters throughout season 4. What do you think were some of the worst decisions made by rulers this season?

DJ – The biggest standout for poor decision-making for me is Edward (Timothy Innes). From refusing to help allies quickly enough to staying in Mercia for far too long and trying to influence what is, at the time, a different country. The single standout, however, was the way he handled the siege of Winchester. So tactically naive, which if he was as learned as he claims to be, he wouldn’t have been. He also refused to listen to the advice of his actual military commanders. That decision, for me, is the worst of season 4.

C – Pretty much everything Edward did, but that’s not entirely his fault. Aethelhelm (Adrian Schiller) has poured far too much poison into the young King’s ear to benefit himself and his daughter.

K – Same as you have both pointed out, I could not stand how Edward was this season. Yes he’s got the weight of a lot of things on his shoulders but other people needed his help and he refused to do until much later which was not good enough. Aethelhelm in his ear on nearly everything drove me to shouting at the TV at times. Really bitter person and definitely did not like anyone else’s opinions on things.

C – Also, Aethelflaed (Millie Brady) and Edward bartering away Uhtred’s daughter to Sigtryggr for peace after Uhtred had done so much to save their own children. The fact Stiorra was okay with it was beside the point.


S – Oh my where to start?! The Lord King Edward needed a slap, I mean what has been going through his head this season!! I agree with everything you guys have said. The rulers of Wessex and Mercia did everything to protect and save their children and Uhtred helped and supported every step of the way but when it came to his children they couldn’t care less!!! Like Clare the fact that Stiorra wanted to go is beside the point!

A – Everything Edward did as the young king, yes he was being manipulated by Aethelhelm. But it was the fact that he refused to listen to his advisors that got on my last nerves. From how he handled the attack with Mercia showing up late to how he took on siege on Winchester.

Conversely, what do you think were some of the best decisions made by rulers this season?

DJ – I think there are 2 that really stand out for me here. Firstly, Uhtred giving up the prospect of ruling Mercia in order to let Aethelflaed take command there. Aethelflaed has, time and time again, proven herself a great leader for her people. Uhtred giving up the prospect of ruling to give her the opportunity was a testament to his love for her, his acknowledgement that she is a great ruler for her people and likely his deep-rooted belief that somehow he still wants to retake Bebbanburg.

The other comes from Sigtryggr. The Dane who behaves like no other Danes have before. He withstood a siege and came out with exactly what he wanted – a place for his people to live safely, hopefully in peace (for a time) and an (albeit uneasy) alliance with 3 of the 4 Kingdoms. He looked out for his people from the moment you first see him until the end of the season. It’s been interesting this season to see the differences in leaders – the ones who want to be great and be remembered (Edward, Aethelred), and those who want to do right by their people (Aethelflaed, Sigtryggr). I hope that duality of leadership, still very much present if you look around the world today, is a major factor in a potential season 5.

K – I have to agree with Dan on what he’s said. I was really amazed by Uthred’s actions in giving up a position such as being a ruler of Mercia, for Aethelflaed and I think that also spoke loudly for his feelings for her as well. It’s a shame they could no longer be together, as I quite enjoyed seeing them as a couple as they had been through so much before they even got together.

S – The actual rulers were not the ones making the best decisions in my opinion, once again Uhtred had to save the day. Sigtryggr probably made the best decisions for his people, when Edward was attacking the gates of Winchester, Sigtryggr genuinely looked bored which showed a depth to his character, he found out everything he could and he could see that Uhtred also wanted to avoid bloodshed.

C – I think Sigtryggr made some of the best decisions this season. Considering his seemingly young age and lack of reputation he’s got a very sensible head on his shoulders.

A – I agree with everything all you have are saying. For me the biggest one that does stand out is Uhtred  giving up the prospect of ruling with Aethelfled by his side and gave it to her. He knew she had shown that she can define her kingdom and protect her people, she really just needed the voice to back her.

Who do you think had the biggest change in terms of character development this season?

C – I’m going to have to say Aelswith (Eliza Butterworth). I couldn’t actually believe what was happening when I hit episode 2 this season and realised I was feeling sorry for her. I was tempted to say Aethelred, but his deathbed conversion to being a semi-decent human being doesn’t count.

The Last Kingdom Aelswith

DJ – Definitely Aelswith. That’s a great shout. Her change throughout this season was spectacular. She’s almost like a new character. Character development done well. Uhtred also got a little character development too – he may have finally learned to think before rushing in.

K – I also agree with Aelswith. Not always been a favourite lady of mine before, as some of her actions and behaviours before have been very questionable to me, but i think in the latest season seeing her being pushed out and ignored as such made her think on her own behaviour before and want to change herself and better herself too to some extent.

I think Finan too has become an even more right hand man to Uthred than before, and to me seems to be given more responsibility on things. The talk he and Uthred have after Beocca dies and Uthred is saying if the men want to leave they can because he no longer believes in himself, I kind of got the impression Uthred was saying ‘’You are strong enough to take the men and go on if needs be’’ and tbh I think the men would follow Finan if that ever had to happen.

S – I feel like I’m just repeating what you guys have said! Aelswith for me definitely, season 3 and the beginning of season 4 I wanted to slap her but from mid season you could see she had realised her mistakes and was trying to make amends. I was actually quite annoyed when she was poisoned!

I also have to agree with Kim regarding Finan, I feel like he has really stepped up this season. As I said on a previous question, the bromance between him and Uhtred is amazing and adorable! And I love it.


A – I have to agree with Aelswith, she has grown over this season. The fact that she realizes her mistake with Edwards first marriage, how it effected his son and she wants to protect the child has made her into a character I can love. Another change I saw was Haesten, he went from killing power crazed Dane to one who does want to settle down and make a life. Just like with Aelswith, they both had realizations toward the second half of the season. Haesten went out of his way to protect Eadith in his own way.

What do you want to see in season 5 of The Last Kingdom (if/when we get one)?

DJ – I want to see the current ‘lord’ of Bebbanburg get what’s coming to him. I want to see more of Sihtric, a great character who has a lot more to come. Also more of Sigtryggr because he is, possibly, one of the most interesting characters the show has ever had.

C – Yeah, I’d like to see Uhtred finally take Bebbanburg and have his family there. I know there were a lot of people online asking where his third child was so maybe we could see the youngster there with Aelfwynn and Aethelstan and maybe Sihtric’s child? That would be cool. To see them all building their legacy.

K – I look forward to seeing what happens between Sigtryggr and Stiorra and how they will cope together. I want Uhtred to get what is rightfully his so bad now, it would be great to see him finally get Bebbanburg and settle down again with his children.

S – Ooooooo, I would love to see the development between Sigtryggr and Stiorra, they are both very strong characters and I think they would do great things together! I think I need to see more of Sihtric, Finan has had all the glory this season as Uhtred’s right hand man which has been great but we need more Sihtric!!

A – Definitely want to see Uhtred taking back Bebbanburg and settling down with his children by his side. Love to see the growth of Sigtryggr and how he changes how the Danes are. I want to see more of Sihtric and his little family and Osferth.

Well then FANdemaniacs. If you’ve watched season 4 of The Last Kingdom what do you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts. You can add a rating, and let us know either in the comments or on social media.

Also stay tuned as we have interviews with two of the cast of The Last Kingdom coming up this week.

All four seasons of The Last Kingdom are available to stream now on Netflix worldwide.

All images of The Last Kingdom season 4 used with thanks to IJPR.co.uk

About author(s)

Clare Hemsworth

Hey, I'm Clare, aka Ciara or C. My current fandoms are RWBY and The Last Kingdom along with a bunch of other stuff I tend to let build up and then binge! I'm a keen, albeit amateur, cosplayer and love attending cons in various cosplays. I'm also the resident comic book girl around these parts, especially small press comics, so if you've got an indie book you want reviewed, I'm your gal! When I'm not doing the fangirl thing I am a keen long-distance hiker, having completed Te Araroa in New Zealand and The Pacific Crest Trail on the West Coast of the US.

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