
The Executioner And Her Way Of Life “The Duo’s Journey” Review

The Executioner And Her Way Of Life "The Duo's Journey"

Our Rating


The Executioner And Her Way Of Life “The Duo’s Journey” Review

The Executioner And Her Way Of Life “The Duo’s Journey” is the twelfth episode of the Virgin Road anime. Following straight on from episode 11. Menou and Ashuna battle Pandæmonium, but they are forced to split up when Pandæmonium sends her minions to attack the town. While Ashuna protects the town, Menou is forced to battle Pandæmonium alone and is only able to prevail when Ashuna lends her sword and Akari arrives to provide her more Ether. Menou powers up Ashuna’s sword with Akari’s Ether and destroys Pandæmonium. As her body dissolves, Pandæmonium reveals to Menou that the Sword of Salt, the byproduct of another Human Error, can destroy other Pure Concepts, meaning it can kill Akari. Menou is left troubled, wondering what she would do if she found a way to ensure Akari wouldn’t be a threat without killing her. Akari once again suppresses her memories and the two decide to continue their journey. Meanwhile, Momo sees Menou’s growing friendship with Akari and vows to kill Akari in Menou’s stead. Manon is revived by another Pandæmonium fragment, and Pandæmonium reveals that she’s Manon’s older sister, having been sent to this world far ahead of her mother. Manon agrees to help Pandæmonium spread Chaos across the world. Elsewhere, Flare is informed that due to the time loops, Pandæmonium and the Star Husk Human Errors are beginning to become active. Encouraged by this news, Flare resolves to kill Menou again in order to continue forcing Akari to reset the timeline.


This was definitely the best episode so far and I’m not surprised by that. The episode itself did a great job of finally having Menou admit she’s been stalling and not wanting to kill Akari but knowing she has to. Whilst having Pandemonium do what it does best: cause chaos within the group, even though it’s all psychological. Menou is battling with herself, Akari is battling something she knows little about so isn’t going to be so carefree when it comes to using her powers and Momo has lost patience with Menou, knowing how dear she holds Menou though it’s clear she may have an issue killing Akari knowing how much it’ll hurt her.

Best episode of the season so far!


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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.