Poison Ivy #2 – Comics Review

Poison Ivy title card

Poison Ivy #2 – G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara, Arif Prianto, Hassan Otsame-Elhaou, DC Comics

One of the most popular anti/heroes in the DC Universe, Poison Ivy is well suited to the gentle care and attention of fan favourite writer G. Willow Wilson. After kicking off a new era for the ecowarrior, Poison Ivy #2 gives us some more backstory as to why Ivy – or Pam to her friends – is acting the way she is.

On a mission to spread her version of ecology to the masses, and protect Mother Earth while she does so. Ivy is on the road again, and woe betide anyone who gets in her way.

Poison Ivy #2 cover A by Jessica Fong


Pam has had enough of humanity and its nonsense. People have taken away everything she loves – loved – and she is mad about it. The theme of revenge goes deeper than average basic murder though; she has a plan and she is sticking to it. No matter who tries to get in her way. The world isn’t letting Ivy get her own way though, there’s plenty of distractions in the form of poets, criminals and… well that would be giving it away.

Despite the fact that she’s on the run and leaving a trail of bodies behind her, this Ivy is beautiful. The art from Marcio Takara (Wonder Woman, Guardians of the Galaxy) is absolutely stunning, his version of Ivy draws the eye in every panel that she appears in. Which is no mean feat given how good looking the rest of the book is. Even the piles of corpses have a grotesque beauty to them. Trust me on this one. Combined perfectly with colours from Arif Prianto (The Punisher, Iron Fist), this book veers away from the standard DC style, and is all the better for it. From the small touches like Ivy’s necklace, to the tender gaze she gives her lover, this book is full of heart.

Poison Ivy #2 cover B by Jenny Frisson


G Willow Wilson (Ms Marvel, Invisible Kingdom) finally answers one of the most popular questions still asked about Ivy – what does she eat?! Logically it makes no sense for her to be a vegan (think about it, she feels plants pain), but many meat products are terrible for the environment from a growth perspective so… I’m not going to spoil this one, but the logic that is used actually makes a lot of sense.

Aside from slightly pedantic questions like this, Wilson writes a highly sympathetic and emotive Ivy. Despite the fact that she is a woman on a mission, her motives and logic are actually quite understandable. Her morals may be slightly out of kilter, but her heart is in the right place. The writing is smooth, persuasive, and enthralling. Paired perfectly with the lettering of Hassan Otsame-Elhaou (Blood Stained Teeth, Mindset), Wilson’s words are poetic and pertinent. She is dealing with environmental issues that are at the forefront of the current climate crisis and as ever she does not pull her punches.

Buy it!

I am thoroughly enjoying this new iteration of Pamela Isley, and Poison Ivy #2 carries on the entertaining and though provoking narrative from the first issue of the series. Fans of the character, or the creative team, or even the planet, should definitely check this series out.

Poison Ivy #2 cover F by ChristianWard

You can find more from the creative team on social media:

G. Willow Wilson – Writer

Marcio Takara – Art

Arif Prianto – Colourist

Hassan Otsame-Elhaou – Letters

DC Comics – Publisher

About author(s)

Sarah Miles

Hailing from the South Coast of England, I've been called a "genius" by Jock, an "influencer" by Paul Cornell and "almost normal" by a medical professional. I enjoy comics, movies, games (tabletop, computer and board), books and cakes. I can often be found on twitter spouting random nonsense about all of these things, when I'm not at the gym training for my next strongwoman competition.

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