Lycoris Recoil “Time will tell” Review

Lycoris Recoil "Recoil Of Lycoris"

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Lycoris Recoil “Time will tell” Review

Lycoris Recoil “Time will tell” is the seventh episode of  the Lycoris Recoil anime. Following the suspenseful ending of episode 6, Chisato happens to spot an anonymous text being sent to Mika’s phone by chance. Fearing that Kusunoki plans to close down LycoReco, Chisato convinces her coworkers to help her spy on the meeting. Meanwhile, Robota provides more information on Chisato to Majima, discovering her involvement on the mission that destroyed the old Tokyo Tower. Majima, who is responsible for that attack, finally realizes Chisato defeated him. He then assaults a police station. Fuki and Sakura show the surveillance footage, which finally identifies Majima. Chisato and the others then tail Mika to a high class bar where they find out he is meeting Yoshi. Realizing the meeting is a date since Mika is a homosexual, Chisato decides to leave but discovers it was Yoshi who saved her life 10 years prior. She breaks her cover and thanks Yoshi, but he denies his involvement before leaving. Mika threatens Yoshi to leave Chisato alone, but he cannot bring himself to stop him. He later apologizes to Chisato for hiding the truth from her. The next day, Chisato returns to LycoReco as usual, relieving Mika and Takina. Later, it is revealed that Majima left a USB at the station during his assault, allowing Robota to hack DA’s database.


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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.