
Love, Victor “Day One, Take Two” Round Table Review

Love Victor Day One Take Two

Our Rating

Jen's Score9
Lena's Score9.5
Serena's Score9
Rike's Score9

Love, Victor : Day One, Take Two Round Table Review


We are back again with another round table review for Episode 2 “Day One, Take Two” from our beloved show “Love, Victor”. Let’s see what’s gonna happen this time. Are you guys ready for some more Creakwood drama? Joining me (Rike) on this round table review are Serena, Lena and Jen. Let’s do this!


Love, Victor : Day One, Take Two Synopsis

Back at school, Victor (Michael Cimino) starts to lose his nerve about telling everyone he and Benji (George Sear) are a couple.


Your opinion about “Day One, Take Two” in general?

R: They truly never disappoint when it comes to giving us good episodes over and over again. Really enjoyed watching this one as well. Maybe even a bit more than the last one just because of some specific scenes. I’m falling in love with each character more and more if that’s even possible. Interesting storylines so far. Can’t wait to watch the next episodes. Luckily there’s still a lot to come.

J: I 100% have to agree with Rike. Nothing else to be said. What a wonderful episode! 

L: Very powerful episode on so many accounts! Many steps in possibly happier directions. I really enjoyed it. Season 2 is starting off strong!

S: I love this episode. It gives us quite some progress in multiple storylines and we also get to see more of the characters and their bonds. Really good episode overall. 


Love Victor Day One Take Two


Rumors start to spread on the famous Creek Secrets app because Victor didn’t tell the truth about him and Benji immediately. Guess things never change with this app and social media in general, right? Your thoughts on them addressing a topic like that as well?

J: I think it simply showed the harsh truth and reality of how things are these days. Rumors can spread like wildfire over social media these days and it is crazy how much impact one little post can actually have. I love how this show addresses important matters like that and I think we’ve all been in similar situations before.

L: The rumor mill is unavoidable as a human sadly and while you think high school might be the worst place with it, I think it’s just where it is at its most noticeable. People are going to think what they want to, because their need for scandal is higher than the need for reality. The problem of Creek Secrets is definitely something that should be addressed, but even I would not know how. I loved how Mia (Rachel Hilson) did not give a single sh*t about it though!

S: It just shows how childish people in high school still are in my opinion. People making up stories about Mia and why she and Victor broke up is childish behavior and it just shows that people really don’t know how to be proper human beings most of the time. I’m glad Victor stood up for her in the end. 

R: Love how they’re addressing all these important topics which we should never forget about. Rumors are spreading so fast nowadays with social media. Everyone can just post something and no one actually knows if it’s true or not. Fake news all the way. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. It can be a really cruel place sometimes. Sometimes more and sometimes less. Once the news is out you can’t take it back anymore. That’s how it is. 


Victor confronts his mother about telling him not to come out to anyone. Do you think they’ll lose their son if Isa continues to act like that?

L: That scene was so good! Go Victor! You should not take something like that from anyone, not even your own parents. She needs to try harder – at this moment she is just straight up ignoring it as best as she can and that is bullsh*t! He was 100% right to call her out and I feel like this could be a turning point for her. At least I hope so, for Victor’s sake. Otherwise she really might lose him – she already did lose a big part of him. 

S: Yes, I 100% believe that if Isa (Ana Ortiz) doesn’t get her act together soon she will lose the relationship she has with Victor. We already get to see how damaged it is with the way they are around each other. It’s been like that the entire summer and she hasn’t changed it. It’s a sad reality that most parents from earlier generations don’t know how to deal with their kids being different and I think the show does a great job in showcasing just how difficult it can be for both the parents and the kid. 

R: I really thought Isa would at least change her mind a bit. Especially now that her own son confronted her. He truly needs her. He needs his family. Their support. At least Armando (James Martinez) is doing the job and is trying his best to save this whole situation. Hopefully there will be a moment which will change Isa’s whole opinion. I mean, one day she has no choice but to accept it and live with it. Her son won’t change who he is. Either way you accept it or you are going to lose him once and for all. Support is everything. Family is everything.

J: I honestly was saddened by Isa’s reaction, I truly thought this would be the moment where she’d maybe become at least a little accepting or at least give her son a tight hug. I don’t think Victor would shut her out completely – at least not as of yet – however I do think that there’s potential for a lot more family drama incoming, if things continue like this. 


Pilar (Isabella Ferreira) and Felix (Anthony Turpel) as the new best friendship, am I right? Your thought on Pilar not thinking twice about giving Felix the money? Do you think this will help him be more honest with himself and everyone else around him in general?

S: Pilar is a queen. I said it last episode when she hugged Victor after coming out and showed support and I’ll say it again. Her friendship with Felix is adorable and I’m glad she is the one that found out and was willing to help. I hope Felix finds professional help for his mom and him. Right now Pilar has helped him and his mom buying more time by being able to pay the rent, but this is not something she can do every month. I’m glad she knows about it now and can at least be a support for Felix.

R: I am all here for this friendship to be honest. Gimme more, please. They’re all adorable obviously, but Pilar and Felix have this kind of extra touch together if you know what I mean. Not gonna say that they should end up together. Just being best friends. That’s it. If you need a best friend then Pilar and Felix would probably be the perfect choice. No discussion allowed at this point. Hopefully we’ll get to see more of them together in the next episodes. And hopefully now Felix feels more confident about telling other people about all the struggles he and his mother have to deal with. Please. They deserve all the love.

J: I think this scene honestly was my favorite part of the whole episode. I am so here for their friendship and can’t wait to see what else this duo will have in store for us in the future. I’m glad that Felix opened up to her and I’m even prouder that Pilar did what she did. Those kinds of people are hard to come by and if you are lucky enough to find a friendship like that, it’s meant to stay this way for a while! 

L: I feel like Pilar gives Felix and in – with talking about his problems honestly – that no else does. Everyone else is too involved in their own issues to feel enough like a safe place to land and Pilar is able to be that. Love their connection and hope they keep it up in the future.


Love Victor Day One Take Two


Victor telling the truth about him being gay while standing up in the middle of the hall. Best scene or best scene?

R: That was THE best scene. Damn! I may or may not had tears in my eyes. WOW! This one was emotional and made me so happy at the same time. As a special extra gift we got to watch this whole scene with Duncan Laurence’s song “Heaven Is a Hand to Hold” in the background. This was like the cherry on top of an already perfect scene. Truly have no words.

J: Even though like I mentioned above, I absolutely loved the Pilar/Felix scenes, Victor’s Outing definitely is a close second and definitely the most important scene of the episode. I didn’t expect it to happen so early on in the season, but I’m so proud of him that he did. I may or may not have gotten a bit teary eyed myself!

L: He felt like it was right to do, at that very moment, not only for himself but also for the people he loves. The small gesture of support and understanding Benji came up with showed Victor how much he has and can fall back on, in any case. He has Benji, Pilar and Lake and Felix and if that isn’t a powerful group to have behind you! This is also a good step in the right direction of maybe getting some form of relationship back with Mia. Sometimes the moments that make you the most scared will be the most rewarding, looking back. It was a really amazing scene, but I just don’t like picking favorites. 

S: This made me smile so bad. I got a little teary eyed as well. Victor is standing on that chair like a true adult. The open aura he showcases while being honest with the school was beautiful and I’m so happy that he got to tell everyone himself. When the episode started with the first school day and Victor not telling, I was kinda scared that this would drag on for a few more episodes. Overall I’m both excited and scared to see what will happen now. One thing that Isa was right about is that kids are cruel and I’m not here for the slander we’ve already seen in season 2 so far. 


Your score on Love, Victor “Day One, Take Two”:

J: 9

L: 9.5 again, for bravery and good hearts.

S: Another 9. Great episode with lots of progress for multiple characters. 

R: Gonna give this one a 9 just because of the coming out scene at school and some great friendship moments. 


We would like to hear your opinion on the latest Love, Victor episode “Day One, Take Two”. Let us know in the comments or via social media, and don’t forget to join us when we are back with another round table review for the next episodes.


If you need to catch up, don’t worry! Season 1 and 2 are available to watch on Hulu and Disney Plus.


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About author(s)


Jenn is a Book Lover, Fangirl, Daniel Cudmore's Number one Fan, and Ricky Whittle connoisseur and the "chairwoman" of #TheWhittleExperience. Co-Owner of FANdomConsultants.com. When not found traveling to and from NYC (my home, my heart), reading, or writing on one of the several sites she owns, she's usually on Tumblr stalking Ricky Whittle gifs and scouring the Internet for more goodies on Dan. Jenn is also a budding artist and has her own studio where she creates some fandom made goodies. Follow her on Twitter, & Instagram.

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