
The Great Season 3 Review

The Great -- Season 3 -- Nicholas Hoult Ella Fanning

Our Rating


The Great Season 3 Review

Welcome back! The Great Season 3 has finally arrived on Hulu, and we couldn’t be more excited. This new season promises to be an incredible continuation of the previous ones. We have prepared a review of The Great Season 3, which you will find below. Now, let’s head back to court!

Warning: This review will contain major spoilers for Season 3 of The Great. Proceed at your own risk if you are not up to date!


Season 3 of “The Great” sees Catherine (Ella Fanning) and Peter (Nicholas Hoult) attempt to make their marriage work after some seemingly insurmountable problems. Peter witnessed his own attempted murder at Catherine’s hands and she also imprisoned all of his friends. On top of this, Peter is at a loose end playing First Husband to Catherine’s reign, so he busies himself with fathering, hunting, and salty culinary ventures. But they’re not enough to keep him contented as visions of his late father (played by Jason Isaacs), get in his head about his failures as Peter the Great’s son.

Catherine the Great starts making a name for herself beyond her borders and inspired by a visit from the US ambassador, sets up a conference where peasants, nobles, and merchants can all give their input on developing a new Russia. She learns that even the best political leaders sometimes need to make compromises in order to progress.

Couples Counseling

Immediately following season 2, Catherine attempted to kill Peter but stabbed his double instead. It turns out that she loves him, which ultimately saved him. To resolve some of their issues, the couple seeks outside counseling. Flashing between how they dealt with the issues of the failed coup and seeking out counsel was an excellent concept. Ignoring the fact that they are horrible together, of course. After Elizabeth (Belinda Bromilow) suggests they use a martial book to deal with another rough spat, Catherine and Peter invite Arkady (Bayo Gbadamosi) and Tatyana (Florence Keith-Roach). With their assistance, the royal couple tackled some of their issues. I like how we got to see more of Arkady and Tatyana this season besides just worrying about Peter.

Shocking Moments

This season had some really shocking moments, like Catherine befriending Georgina (Charity Wakefield). But there are two moments that actually made me gasp; the first was when Orlo (Sacha Dhawan) was killed unknowingly by Catherine and then later eaten by bears. Did not see that twist happening, the man has been by Catherine’s side throughout the entire series. The next shocker was Peter’s death, the man has escaped many times from near death, and let’s be honest at times he should have been. Death by falling through the ice and drowning on his horse was not a death I predicted for him.

Peters Death

Peter’s death was a huge moment in the show, impacting everything. I wanna think it was his death that really showed Catherine how much she did love him; like she knew she did but didn’t know that it was going to hit her as hard as it did. So much, that she started playing with Fate with loaded guns as she held them to her head. As predicted though, Grigor (Gwilym Lee) took his death the hardest. After blaming himself he wanted to do anything he could to protect young Paul.

Overall Thoughts

It had some great moments of laughter throughout the season; even when it needed to be serious. Gotta love Catherine’s dancing scene at the end. The side storyline with Hugo and Sweden annoyed me to no end. I did love how we got to see an older version of Paul (Bruce Langley) as well at Peter the Great, even though it was a hallucination. The idea of Maxim (Henry Meredith) taking charge of Marial (Phoebe Fox) and the whole coup was a bit surprising, but it was much needed. The kid took me off guard. I am very disappointed in Marial for unburying Archie and betraying Catherine once again. There were times when everything felt a little scattered and confused me, causing me to lose some interest. I’m not sure if there will be another season, but the end itself was a great way to end the series.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on The Great Season 3! Please feel free to share your opinion in the comments or on any of our social media accounts.

About author(s)

Amy Barker

Hi, I'm Amy. I was born into the fandom life and was taught all its magical ways. When I am not working, playing video games, attending conventions (where I dabble in cosplay); I am binge watching anything and everything. Though I do have to admit I am more inclined to sci-fi and supernatural genre; though I have a soft spot for historical dramas.