My letter to Chester Bennington

Chester Bennington

Dear Chester,

It’s taken me sometime to wrap my head around the fact that you are no longer here. I know I never got to meet you but losing you has impacted my life in a way I never thought it would. So I thought I would write you this letter to say all the sayings I will never get to say to you.

Thank you, thank you so much for getting me through some of the toughest times in my life. From the sudden death of my Uncle Matt to the years I was using drugs to being raped to a really bad break up to my battle with cancer. I also want to thank you for singing my feelings. And one of my biggest thank you is for being there when I was having those mental talks with God about how I wanted the pain to stop. Your lyrics made me stronger and they still do.

To be honest, I had to step away from your music after hearing about your passing because my heart couldn’t take it. I am sorry for that. But that will never happen again, the music did not die with you. It will live on forever. As I write this letter, I have you singing in my ears, singing my favorite song by you guys. This song holds so much meaning for me and the lyrics are so true. The hardest part of ending really is starting again. That’s what this feels like, we are starting again. We have to start over now that you have left. We will never know your inner demons and why they took you the way they did. But I hope you are truly free of pain and it longer are haunts you.

I am kind of mad that you didn’t have someone to turn to in your time of need. That you were alone you in your fight. But I have learned something from this, even the happiest or richest or most famous people have demons that we don’t know about. I also learned you need to live. That is what you have taught me, Chester. To let it go, to live.  You only have one life and it is up to you how you live it. Only you can control your own happiness. It is your choice on how you want to live. I will not let my demons win! I will live my life to the fullest!

Thank you Chester and Linkin Park for everything!! My life is truly better because of your music and your lyrics.

I will keep you in my memory and I will leave all to rest…….. Rest in Love, Music, and Peace


Love, Brina

 Chester Bennington Chester Bennington

About author(s)


PurpleBrina is a down to earth single mom who loves all things purple, tattoos, bacon, reading, singing, and music is her life. And lets not forget her love for all things SUPERMAN including the man who plays him on the big screen Henry Cavill.