
High Card “Make A Choice” Review

High Card "One Shot"

Our Rating


High Card “Make A Choice” Review

High Card “Make A Choice” is the second episode of the High Card original anime. Immediately following the ending shot of episode 1, as Finn and the car salesman hold each other at gunpoint, Vijay suddenly speeds onto the scene at his own car and uses his own card’s power to tangle Finn in vines. Finn later finds himself waking up in the back room of the Pinochle car dealership on Old Maid Street. The salesman from before, Chris Redgrave, is about to kill Finn when Bernard receives a call from the Pinochle President and decides to give Finn a chance to prove himself. After being introduced to the other members of the dealership working with High Card, Finn is soon hired as an apprentice car seller and assigned to work under Chris. The next morning, Finn is quickly thrown into his first assignment when a bulletproof monster is robbing an armored truck. Chris and Finn confront the man, but quickly find their powers are useless against “Rockin Rock,” the power of the 3 of Hearts. Chris baits the attacker into attacking him through the windshield of his car, and drives them both into the river. The attacker releases his card’s power before he drowns, while Finn uses his own focus to fire a few shots through the car’s window allowing Chris to escape the sunken car. Afterwards, the President tells Bernard that Finn will be fired if he doesn’t continue showing results, while the other High Card members mock Finn for having a weak card.


This episode thankfully didn’t waste a single second in getting on with the plot. For a while there I was assuming that Finn’s choice to join High Card would bite him in the backside but it seems all that’s being kept behind closed doors for now, likely something Finn will have to deal with later in the series. So far this show has done nothing but grab my attention and never let it go. I am worried for Finn though.

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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.

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