American Gods Review – Donar the Great

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S02EP06 - Donar the Great: Shadow and Mr. Wednesday seek out Dvalin to repair the Gungnir spear.
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American Gods Review

Donar the Great Season 2 Episode 6

Shadow (Ricky Whittle) and Mr. Wednesday (Ian McShane) seek out Dvalin (Jeremy Raymond) to repair the Gungnir spear. But before the dwarf is able to etch the runes of war, he requires a powerful artifact in exchange.

This week’s episode of American Gods was so intense that Brina (PB) and Jenn decided to talk about it and do a review of this episode. Read on for more of our thoughts and delve into Donar the Great with us.

PB: This episode had me feeling some kinda way. I laughed, I cried, I was angry, and then in the end I was just sad. Mr. Wednesday/Odin just broke my heart this time. The story of Thor/Donar (Derek Theler) was just sad. And to think he said Shadow reminded him of his son. Just wow. I have my thoughts on Shadow and Mr. Wednesday but I will keep that to myself for now. But seriously my heart was with Mr. Wednesday this week.


Jenn: This episode was an emotional rollercoaster. Part of me didn’t think that we needed to know a lot about Mr. Wednesday’s backstory and life, but then I think that this was beyond needed. He was more human like and feeling things than he is now. He was still a user (that’s how he comes off to me), but there was a human element to him, more than we have seen.

I am guessing this is why Mr. Wednesday is so damn jaded now.

Do you think this knowledge will bring Shadow and him closer or further apart, Brina?

PB: I think this little bit of knowledge will make Shadow more cautious of Mr. Wednesday. Or I would hope it would. Yes this did make us look as him as a human and not a GOD but it did also show that he has NEVER changed. He is all about himself even when his “sons” are involved. So I would think this would keep Shadow more aware and distances himself from Wednesday but Shadow likes to see the good in everyone, so time will tell.

Jenn: Can we please talk about the “artifact” that was needed to give Dvalin his strength? I mean I love Lou Reed, but that was the magical artifact to give him his strength? I couldn’t stop laughing. And the entire scene with Shadow and Wednesday to get said jacket. It was brilliant. They work so well together as con men. Shadow in a suit and tie was heaven to watch, and the charm and humor with Wednesday trying on the jacket, I was rolling.

PB:  Lou Freaking Reed’s jack to give strength?!?! So funny and clever. I honestly wanna know the google stats on how many people googled “Who is Lou Reed?” on Sunday. I agree though it was so great to see them swindle that jacket. And yes, Shadow in a suit but isn’t better to see him out of it?

That Voodoo that you do

PB: So dead wife (Emily Browning) took a little trip to New Orleans (last week’s episode The Ways of the Dead) with Mad to visit a VooDoo/Witch Doctor, Baron Samedi (Mustafa Shakir), to make her human again. Dude! this whole scene left me with so many thoughts and questions. Like what is Laura’s real truth?? Did she ever love Shadow? How could she truly love him if she never loved herself? Is her truth that she is weak to the flesh? And whose blood does she need? Her own? Mad Sweeney (Pablo Schreiber)? Shadow? Hell maybe it’s Mr. Wednesday.  Like I said I went into a deep dark twist with this. What about you?


Jenn: {laughs hard} When we were on the phone talking about this I couldn’t stop laughing at how deep you went, and man you didn’t disappoint and went there, AGAIN.. First off, I think Laura is just a lost and confused little girl. Yes I know she is a woman, but she acts like a girl. She is like a petulant child. Always needing and wanting to get her way. A spoiled brat.

I think she went for Shadow cause he was there in the beginning. I mean I get pet names and all, but she couldn’t love him he was called puppy. He did follow her around like a puppy. I am glad (and hopeful) that he finally sees her for her ways and what she is. I don’t care if she becomes undead, I hope he doesn’t go back with her.

Now that being said, she needs to drops of blood from her true love to once again make her alive, my money is on Mad Sweeney. I am not even saying that because they were hot and heavy at the voodoo love shack, but there is clearly a connection there. I know Mad Sweeney is into her, despite killing her, and she is into him, even though she doesn’t want to admit it.

Her truth, {laughs}, is that she is a slut and a user. That’s the quick simple version.

Jenn: Back to Donar the Great, what did you think of how he killed himself? Do you think he was “forced” to? Did he kill himself because he was alone?

PB:  Donar’s death was just harsh. I can’t see a “GOD” himself but then again, he was in love and his dad made him believe he wasn’t loved back. And if we are being honest, we all just want to love and be loved back. Also, I was sad to see him go cause talk about who looks amazing without a shirt on…HELLO DONAR!

Jenn: Can we talk about Columbia (Laura Bell Bundy) for a second? Her voice was everything. Do you think we are going to see more of her? What role do you think she plays with Wednesday? Does she know that Donar died?

PB: Her voice was beautiful, I loved the whole scene of her dancing and popping guns. I don’t think we will see her again. Maybe she did know about his death and died herself. Cause again she loved him and a life without love is just lonely and sad.

Jenn: With two episodes left with this season, what do you expect to happen? Any loose ends that will be tied up?

PB:  Part of me is happy there are only two left but the other part of me isn’t. I know season 3 is in the works which means we are going to be left with some epic cliffhanger. I hate cliffhangers. As for what needs to tied up, I don’t know. I still want more of Mr. Nancy (Orlando Jones). I feel like this season we have gotten to know him so much better but they also keep teasing us with him. There is something more there I just know it. I heard somewhere that Mr. Nancy and Bilquis (Yetide Badaki) will hook up. I don’t know if that is true but that would be a very interesting story line don’t you think?

Jenn: Mr. Nancy and Bilquis hooking up, sign me up for that. Remember the episode that they were flirting. I can totally down for them to explore that couple for sure. Cliffhangers are inevitable, I know that, but I am hoping we learn more, before we get that cliffhanger.


What did you Gods and Goddesses think of the episode? We want to hear from you in the comments below.


About author(s)


PurpleBrina is a down to earth single mom who loves all things purple, tattoos, bacon, reading, singing, and music is her life. And lets not forget her love for all things SUPERMAN including the man who plays him on the big screen Henry Cavill.


Jenn is a Book Lover, Fangirl, Daniel Cudmore's Number one Fan, and Ricky Whittle connoisseur and the "chairwoman" of #TheWhittleExperience. Co-Owner of When not found traveling to and from NYC (my home, my heart), reading, or writing on one of the several sites she owns, she's usually on Tumblr stalking Ricky Whittle gifs and scouring the Internet for more goodies on Dan. Jenn is also a budding artist and has her own studio where she creates some fandom made goodies. Follow her on Twitter, & Instagram.