86: Eighty Six “I Won’t Forget” Review

86: Eighty Six "Stay This Way Forever"

Our Rating

Overall Score6

86: Eighty Six “I Won’t Forget” Review

86: Eighty Six “I Won’t Forget” is the seventeenth episode of the 86 anime. Very much unlike episode 16. This episode was basically one big info drop. Exposition leading up to the final battle where it’s likely most of team 86 will die, with Lena’s fate unknown.


Whilst I liked this episode it’s definitely one I’d suggest skipping if you’ve already seen it. It’s information after information as the leaders of each nation struggle to deal with the Legion’s new weapon, the Morpho. It’s in these moments that we see what was hinted at very strongly from the start. The Federacy and the Republic are no different when it comes to how they treat the 86. Their immediate reaction to any kind of hint of a pushback is to send the 86 “because they have no-one to go home to.”

Shin slowly starts to lose his grip on his sanity as Nina (sister of Eugene) keeps sending him letters blaming him for murdering her brother. He’s basically the scapegoat for everything. Especially when news of his powers to hear the Legion’s voices gets out. Nothing they’ve done has changed a thing. As they always knew. It’s a hopeless setting, getting our characters ready for their suicide mission from which they won’t be missed.


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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.