WandaVision Episode 6 Review

WandaVision "The Series Finale"

WandaVision Episode 6 Review

WandaVision episode 6, where do I even start? This had everything! From the drama being ramped up to people showing more of their true colours WandaVision gets better every episode!

We left episode 5 with the cliffhanger of Pietro being back. Except it’s not him. It’s an alternative universe him, in theory at least. And we begin this episode with Halloween fun times for all the family!


So Billy and Tommy love their uncle Pietro who’s almost as much as a kid as they are. Even Wanda starts to question him as he’s not exactly acting like himself and there’s something very off about his presence in the household.

For the first time in their marriage Vision lies to Wanda about being at the neighbourhood watch all night. Instead he’s off trying to make sense of what exactly Wanda has done and how he can fix it.

Meanwhile SWORD HQ is kicking Darcy, Monica and Jimmy Woo out because they disagree that killing Wanda is a good idea. (Side note: they are the absolute dream team.)

Pietro and Wanda spend Halloween night having a heart to heart which ends with Wanda becoming very suspicious of her twin as he seems to be trying to encourage her to continue what she’s doing. Even if it’s wrong.

WandaVision Episode 6 Pietro and Wanda
Wanda snaps after she finds out that Vision is outside the perimeter and is in danger and makes the hexagon area she controls much bigger. Sucking almost everyone from SWORD in.


OK so that was the quick version of what happened in this episode. So much happened! And the weirdest part was it felt like 10 minutes not 20 odd.

Without a shadow of a doubt this was the best episode so far. Everyone seems to be getting a good idea of where they stand now and even I’m starting to see what’s going on. The fact that they have shown Tommy as Speed and Billy and Wiccan is a nod to them perhaps being added to the Marvel lineup. Or something even more heartbreaking happening, if Mephisto has anything to do with it…

I know I’ve said it before but episode 6 really did have it all. It just makes me mad I’m going to have to wait until Friday to see how this all turns out. I have so many questions!


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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.