Your Voice Counts!

Heads up to all of our readers, contributors, casual lurkers, really any US citizen 18+!! Today is election day, get up, get out, and vote. Your voice counts, and now is the time to let it be heard!

Reasons To Vote:

People have died for your right to do so.

It is your right. And not only that, it is your civic duty!

If you don’t speak for yourself, someone else will.

Change will not happen without a catalyst.

To show you care, even if you don’t… pretend.

You have a chance to be part of history.

You want to complain, vote. No voting = no complaining

Because you always get a nifty sticker.

Image By: Dianne Chadwick

I for one would be saddened to know that the only thing I voted for this fall were the PCA’s….





About author(s)


Cami is a Fangirl first, a blogger second, and a Castle addict, always. Castle blogger for FANdemonium, and Castle Room Host for BeamlyUS. Books are her escape, music is her therapy, and Tumblr is her happy place. Follow her on Twitter (@camifaith_FN and @camifaith), Instagram and Tumblr (@drinkingcastleskoolaid).