
Stranger Of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin Review

Stranger Of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin

Our Rating

Value For Money10

Stranger Of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin Review – Giving Chaos hell in the best way possible

Stranger Of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin is the latest release in the Final Fantasy series of games published by Square Enix. Developed by Team Ninja, an offshoot of Koei Techmo. The game is technically not a prequel of Final Fantasy 1 but an offshoot, however it’s got enough call-backs and styles included in the game that I’d settle for prequel. Honestly I don’t know why SE don’t confirm it as an actual prequel, considering how well the game is written once you finally get to the end credits.

Chaos and Jack

The game basically spoiled the big reveal in it’s own trailers and in the demo. It’s no shock to anyone who Jack the main character is going to become. That may be but the game is so unironically well written and directed that once the credits roll you’re hit with a kind of heartbreak and shock that I personally never saw coming. Being a relatively short game (considering it’s Final Fantasy) it manages to pack in so much gameplay, characterisation and story in the short runtime.

Jack and company, Ash, Jed, Neon and Sophia, go on a grand mission to the Chaos Shrines in order to save Cordelia his home. He initially goes with them on a mission to become the Warriors Of Light in the fables, though he doubts it as his crystal like the others’ is black in colour.  I could go more into the story but I’m trying very hard not to spoil anything for potential new fans so I’ll stop there. There are subtle call-backs to all the Final Fantasy games up to Final Fantasy XV.


This is where the game excels in every way. Much like many in the series this game features “Classes” (or Jobs) that all have different strengths and weaknesses. These can all be raised by level and eventually unlock more advanced jobs as other jobs become a higher level. For example, to get a Red Mage you’d need to level up both Mage and Swordfighter classes. The jobs to go up another level to Advanced Jobs and they’re the strongest in the game but they need at least three more upgraded jobs to unlock.

There is an element of “play how you like” here but there’s also no denying that some Jobs are so much stronger and better than others. This is where tactics come into play. You can, if you want, play a less powerful Job but do just as well as someone using the best one. It all depends on if it suits your play style. The game is an action RPG so sneaking around and making stealth kills isn’t really an option but blocking and using Soul Guard is encouraged, especially since the latter sometimes gives you the option to steal an ability and throw it back in the enemy’s face.

Just like a typical JRPG there are a ton of side quests to get on with that actually help towards the major twist at the end of the story, if you pay enough attention to detail. They’re fun and because the game is generally very fun they don’t feel like a chore. I could get lost playing this game for days and never be bored of it, I really hope SE stick to this kind of style next time they make an action RPG.


It goes without saying that I absolutely love this game. Yes I’ve seen the memes and yes I love the memes, in fact if you read this please send Chaos memes it’d be appreciated, but at it’s heart is a serious story that’s funny because it genuinely takes itself seriously. Because of it’s general goofiness and Jack being an absolute Chad I was not prepared for how depressed the ending was gonna make me. Damn.

The game has an amazingly fun battle system, loveable cast of characters and story that’ll stay with you years after you’ve finished it.


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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.