
Review: What We Do in the Shadows Episodes 1 & 2

What We Do in the Shadows - The Curse

Our Rating

This show captures the feel and humor of it's cinematic namesake; definitely one to watch

Review: What We Do in the Shadows Episodes 1 & 2


What We Do in the Shadows
Photo credit: FX

The new FX series will not disappoint fans of the 2014 hit film

Did you love the 2014 Horror comedy “What We Do in the Shadows“? The New Zealand mockumentary hit, written and starring Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi, is a must see comedy that mixes actual laugh out loud moments and classic horror elements. So if you haven’t seen it, stop reading this, watch it, then get back to me. I’ll wait.

“Creepy paper! Creeeepy paper! Oh, multi-pack!”

“It’s “crepe” paper.”

New Blood for the Shadows FX Television Series

Instead of recasting the original vampires, FX wisely decided to change the location and characters, while keeping the feel of the film.

Nandor(Kayvan Novak), Ottoman era conqueror, wants to take over Staten Island, and impose vampire rule. Immortal lovers  Laszlo(Matt Berry)-a fan of neck frills and gypsy Nadja(Natasia Demetriou are on board(wanting opaque domes and a no nun zone). New to the housemate concept is energy vampire Colin Robinson(Mark Proksch). While not able to turn into a bat, Colin does have the power to suck the fun out of anyone. As he says, his kind are the most prevalent.

Oft abused familiar to Nandor, Guillermo(Harvey Guillen), rounds out the cast. His portrayal as the downtrodden pushover with an emerging devilish streak adds giggles even when the vampires are away.

The Episodes So Far

The pilot, aptly named “Pilot,” introduces us to the characters, and their new plan to dominate Staten Island. The ancient Baron has come, and announces that they must take over so that vampires may rule. He also has had intense affairs with both Laszlo and Nadja in the past. Which is a heck of a feat, as he has no nether parts. He moves into the attic, awaiting the day the vamps take over.

City Council

Colin introduces the others to zone meetings and local politics, Guillermo introduces them to LARPers. Nadia takes a liking to abused role player, Jenna(Beanie Feldstein), and turns her.

It all ends in a pile of exsanguinated raccoons on one woman’s porch(“Is it MS-13?”) and a city council member going mad on camera. Jenna is convinced she has the flu.

Watch This Show!

Even though it is a comedy, there are genuine horror elements throughout What We Do in the Shadows, just like the movie it expands upon. I know there were scenes that I found creepy, even as I was laughing.

Anyone who has seen Matt Berry on the superb The IT Crowd, The Mighty Boosh, and oddball parody Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace know what is in store for new fans. Matt can play any role perfectly and make you like the character, sometimes against your will…

Jemaine and Taiki are involved in the series, and it has kept the same humor and beat of the film. Definitely a show to watch, if just for the hilarious quotes.


What We Do in the Shadows airs Wednesdays at 10 pm on FX

Be sure to live tweet this show and many others with us @FANdemoniumNet!


About author(s)

Angel Miller

Hi! I am from Kentucky, and am usually being a human. Love God, family, country, rescue animals, and my fandoms. Also chocolate. I get overly angry when people's glasses on TV are not right.