
MARS RED “Persona Non Grata” Review

MARS RED "Frailty Thy Name Is"

Our Rating

Overall Score9.5

MARS RED “Persona Non Grata” Review

MARS RED “Persona Non Grata” is the fifth episode of the MARS RED anime. And a lot of progress seems to have been made since episode 4 so much so that it’s hard to tell they’re back to back episodes.

The plan behind it all

Immediately from the start we’re thrown into a killing orgy with two high ranking British vampires who are bossing Rufus around. It seems they’re in control of him but that’s obviously just what Rufus wants them to believe. Later on we see that his real goal was to make them bite and kill hundreds so that he could swarm the streets of Japan with unranked vampires. Likely as a way to test the new British Vampire unit’s effectiveness.

Code Zero are sent to the area to deal with the high ranking vampires but are quickly outnumbered by Rufus’ swarm. When they see the new tanked up vampire unit, they’re confused. They knew nothing about it being as far along as it clearly is an assume Maeda doesn’t either. We cut to Nakajima who is arguing with the head of the army. Earlier he’d already been given less time to perfect Code Zero. Now he’s being shown for the traitor he is. The head of the army says outright that he knows Nakajima was behind the killing of all the S Class vampires they planned to use. Just before Nakajima shoots and kills him.


This scene is shown just after we see a clip of Defrott quoting Hamlet, “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” The quote itself obviously alluding to the fact that not everything is as it seems. Nakajima is behind alot of the vampire attacks, Rufus pulling the strings with British aristocracy. The Hamlet quote is a clear nod to the same themes running through this episode. That of corruption and political and social decay. Revenge is also a main theme of Hamlet so perhaps Nakajima is obsessed with making his unit work as a way of seeking revenge. No matter the cost. It’s not been shown but it wouldn’t surprise me.


This is the best episode so far. I know I keep saying that but the show just gets better and better! Throwing in twists that perhaps all is not as it seems has now thrown me for a loop. I don’t know who to trust and I don’t know who’s behind it all. Is it Defrott? Or is he being used by Nakajima too? Using Hamlet as a way of showing political and sociological decline and decay was a stroke of genius. It’s one of those comparisons that’s so subtle you don’t really notice it at first but as soon as Defrott quotes the play, especially that quote in particular, it hits you like a truck. Amazing, shocking and truly emotional writing. I can’t wait to perhaps get some answers as to how much Maeda knew in the next episode.


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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.

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