
Lycoris Recoil “Repay evil with evil” Review

Lycoris Recoil "Recoil Of Lycoris"

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Lycoris Recoil “Repay evil with evil” Review

Lycoris Recoil “Repay evil with evil” is the tenth episode of the original Lycoris Recoil anime. Following the wholesome-ish episode 9 with the shocking ending, Chisato decides to close down LycoReco. As such, Mizuki and Kurumi both decide to leave for foreign countries. At DA, Kusunoki reveals Enkuboku as Majima’s target, and explains their mission to raid his hideout. Takina confirms the Alan Institute’s involvement with Majima after interrogating one of his men. Meanwhile, Majima has taken Yoshi hostage, and tells him he will target the AI after dealing with the DA. The Lycoris raid the hideout, but Majima has relocated, boasting to Kusunoki that he plans to expose Japan’s false peace. The next day, Majima uses Robota’s USB in the tower’s antenna to broadcast to all of Japan that he’s hidden a thousand guns all over Tokyo for anybody to find. Seeing Majima wants to expose the DA’s existence, DA superiors order Chisato’s intervention. Meanwhile, Mika tells Chisato the truth about Yoshi and apologizes for hiding it. However, she does not blame to either of them, being thankful for the time she was given. Kusunoki then calls to deploy Chisato, just as they receive a call from Robota telling her where Yoshi is being held, saying he will be killed if she heads to Enkuboku. Trusting Takina and Fuki’s abilities, Chisato and Mika prepare to go rescue Yoshi.

Getting To The End

This was one of the best set up episodes for the entire show. It’s got enough wholesomeness that it doesn’t lose what Lycoris Recoil has always been but also has strong moments of the inevitability of Chisato’s situation without it becoming the worlds most depressing anime ever. Although I definitely don’t want Chisato to die and I’m dreading when it does happen, it’s been written well enough that it’s gonna hit really really hard when it does. Meanwhile we have the DA superiors getting Chisato and company to clean up their mess, they don’t deserve to have her cover up for them but it happens anyway because she and everyone else know it’s the right thing to do. Loved this episode, like I said, it sets things up for next episode perfectly.

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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.