Lycoris Recoil “More haste less speed” Review

Lycoris Recoil "Recoil Of Lycoris"

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Lycoris Recoil “More haste less speed” Review

Lycoris Recoil “More haste less speed” is the third episode of the Lycoris Recoil anime. Following Mizuki’s addition to team Lycoris in episode 2, things get tense amongst the higher ups and things aren’t as happy or perfect as people would like them to be. Despite having worked at LycoReco for some time now, Takina still remains distant from Chisato and the café regulars. When Chisato has to return to DA HQ for a physical exam, Takina decides to accompany her to try and petition to Commander Kusunoki to reinstate her. However, upon arriving at HQ, Takina is bullied by the other Lycoris due to false rumours she enjoys firing on her teammates. To her dismay, her previous team leader Fuki Harukawa has already replaced Takina with Sakura Otome and Kusunoki has no intention of having Takina return to DA HQ. This angers Chisato, as she has figured out that DA’s advanced AI Radiata was hacked during the mission, and Kusunoki used Takina as a scapegoat to cover up the hack. Chisato then tries to encourage Takina by suggesting she should try giving life outside DA a try first. Chisato and Takina then participate in a mock battle against Fuki and Sakura, with Chisato and Takina defeating them thanks to their teamwork and Chisato’s near superhuman ability to instantly predict bullet trajectories. As they return to LycoReco, Takina has a newfound respect for Chisato and decides to attend a game session with her and the café regulars.

Chisato Being Amazing Again

I feel like Takina gets overlooked a lot because of just how gosh darn good Chisato is at her job. I mean she’s amazing for sure and she’s a favourite but I do get why Takina is the way she is in this episode. It’s only natural for her to be a little jealous / distant towards someone who’s personality seems to switch on a limb. Whilst episode 2 gave me a new found respect for Chisato, this episode did an expert job of giving me a new found love for Takina. It’s kinda getting to the point where I don’t know which one I like best so I call them both my favourite.


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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.