
Lycoris Recoil “Nature versus nurture” Review

Lycoris Recoil "Recoil Of Lycoris"

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Lycoris Recoil “Nature versus nurture” Review

Lycoris Recoil “Nature versus nurture” is the twelfth episode of the original anime Lycoris Recoil. Continuing the fight between Chisato and Majima that left us all on tenterhooks in episode 11. This episode concludes the fight pretty swiftly before Chisato and Yoshi have a heart to heart. Takina shows up, furious with Yoshi and is pretty determined to kill him but is stopped. Mainly by Chisato who tells Takina she’s happy to not have the heart Yoshi has to extend her life as it wouldn’t be her if she did. Meanwhile the Lycoris are all being killed to cover up the higher up’s involvement in shady business. Chisato and Takina make their way to Fuki who’s who’s holding the fort whilst under attack by the “male Lycoris” Chisato mentioned. Making their way to wherever they can plug in Kurumi’s USB that she gave them, they do so and Walnut saves the day by pretending to onlookers that it was all an act and wiping the hard drives. Everything seems fine, until Chisato’s bag shows up and she’s stuck on a floor with Majima with the other girls stuck in the lift. They greet each other as old friends and the episode ends on that note.

No Time To Die

What an episode! What a cliff-hanger! I’m assuming Chisato will survive and we’ll get a second season but why Majima all of a sudden? Assuming Chisato helped him escape the cleaners or he was never really that badly out for the count anyway. The whole episode I was stressed as all hell safe in the assumption that Chisato would die and it’d be a bittersweet ending but I’m blown away! There were hints at it like when Chisato says to Fuki that she can have her LycoReco uniform but even then it was waved off as because she knows she’s dying.

All this has me wondering just when the switcheroo happened, when did Chisato get in contact with Majima to make such a huge deal? And is there a deal? Maybe they’re still enemies but the “yo” was just respectful? So many questions!


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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.