Lucasfilm President Confirms ‘Indiana Jones’ Sequel

Indiana Jones

In addition to extensive coverage of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the most recent issue of Vanity Fair also includes confirmation of another Lucasfilm franchise revival, Indiana Jones.

Studio president Kathleen Kennedy finally confirmed a new Indiana Jones movie will be made by Disney…eventually.

In buying the company, Disney also got rights, for better or worse, to less-storied Lucasfilm properties, among them Willow and Radioland Murders. A bigger prize is the Indiana Jones franchise. Kennedy confirmed rumors that another Indy movie “will one day be made inside this company. When it will happen, I’m not quite sure. We haven’t started working on a script yet, but we are talking about it.

“Talking about it” is quite a ways from production, but it certainly seems to be on the studio’s to-do list. 

Disney CEO Bob Iger told press in late 2014. “We’d love to make another Indiana Jones movie but we’re pacing ourselves right now,” he said. And there was rumors that the studio set its sights on Chris Pratt in an Indiana Jones reboot, for now they’re just that — rumors.

Kennedy’s comments doesn’t reveal much about Disney’s actual plans for the franchise, but they’re the closest we’ve come to a confirmation for the fifth Indiana Jones movie. 


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During my down time, I'm with my hubby and 2 boys. If I'm not with them, I'm reading or on Twitter finding out what's new. You can find me on Twitter (@Iam_Kristin_FN or @kdub_s), Instagram (Kdub_s) or Pinterest (Kristin Winker)