Harry Potter Can Rap… Who Knew?!?!

I know on Tuesdays, I usually post new music now, but due to a busy day at work and doctor appointments, I didn’t get around to getting anything together in terms of new music but…


Thank you, Jimmy Fallon, for being as cool as you are and all that you do – giving me something to post this Tuesday.


Tonight’s guest on Jimmy Fallon is Daniel Radcliffe, a.k.a. Harry Potter. Who knew Harry Potter could rap?!  Like really, really well! He totally just got one million cool points in my book. I’m all for people who can rap because I can’t. I can sing, but I’m not a good rapper. LOL.


I give you Daniel Radcliffe rapping Blacklicious’ “Aerobic Alphabet”.


About author(s)


PurpleBrina is a down to earth single mom who loves all things purple, tattoos, bacon, reading, singing, and music is her life. And lets not forget her love for all things SUPERMAN including the man who plays him on the big screen Henry Cavill.