
Falcon And The Winter Soldier “The World Is Watching” Review

Falcon And The Winter Soldier "One World One People"

Our Rating

Overall Score9.7

Falcon And The Winter Soldier “The World Is Watching” Review

Falcon And The Winter Soldier “The World Is Watching” is the fourth episode of Falcon And The Winter Soldier. And I can safely say this episode is the best so far. Taking how good episode 3 was into account, that’s really saying something! This show just goes from strength to strength!

Finding Carli

The episode begins with Bucky in Wakanda 5 years prior. Ayo and other warriors are testing the Russian words used to brainwash him and see if they have any effect anymore. Bucky passes with flying colours, crying in relief that he’s past that part in his life. Skip to Bucky and Ayo from episode 3. They both have a back and forth with Bucky trying to convince her to not mobilise the Dora Milaje against Zemo, considering he’s their only lead to Carli and the serum. Ayo gives him eight hours. Then she’ll come for Zemo.

Bucky warns Zemo and Sam, though Zemo seems less than bothered. Eventually Zemo takes them to the lower part of town where Carli was last seen. Using his natural charm he gets information out of a young child (with the help of some turkish delight.) Zemo isn’t 100% honest with Sam and Bucky to begin with. He holds back the information that the girl gave him until he’s straight up asked.

Meanwhile Carli and Co are planning Mama Donya’s funeral. Whilst John Walker and Lemar Hoskins become unwelcome guests (less so Lemar but John can get out of here.) They follow Zemo, Sam and Bucky to the place that Zemo tricked the little girl into telling him know about. Sam is determined to approach Carli individually unarmed and speak to her one on one. John hates the idea but Lemar can see how it would save lives so sorta agrees with Sam. His agreement means John goes with it, for now.

John shows his true colours

Sam isn’t even in the room for more than ten minutes with Carli having a real heart to heart when John walks in trying to place Carli under arrest. Carli gets away from the rest of the crew but Zemo corners and shoots her in the stomach. During the struggle she drops the bag with the serum in. Zemo immediately smashes every last vial, apart from one. He secretly pockets it.

Whilst Zemo is recovering from being smacked in the head with the shield John walks in and demands Zemo be turned over. When John is attacked by a Dora Milaje warrior. A massive fight ensues between the Dora Milaje, John, Bucky and Sam. Zemo finds an opportunity and slips away. John gets his backside handed to him and he clearly can’t believe it. He’s in way over his head and he knows it.

Later Carli uses Sam’s sister and her kids as leverage to talk to him again. Alone. To ensure he’s not a threat and turn him to her side. Once again John shows up in a different area of the building. He orders Lemar to go ahead and he does, and is also pretty quickly captured by flag smashers. He’s held captive but manages to cut himself free whilst John fights the super soldiers. Sam and Bucky join the fight but also fight John too. It’s obvious something is off with John though, he’s stronger, impossibly so. Meaning he has 100% taken the serum he stole. During the fight, Lemar is killed by a Flag Smasher. John goes mad and chases them outside, where he beats a random Flag Smasher to death with the shield out of rage whilst the world watches…


Like I said this has got to be one of the best episodes yet. I enjoyed it way more than any of the others. For some reason Carli seemed alot less annoying in this episode though I think that may have been because of the drama John was causing. Her scenes are still some of the more boring ones and I still haven’t warmed to her, despite the writer’s attempt to humanise her with Sam’s little chat. When she’s fighting she comes off as a psycho extremist but when she’s calm and explaining her thinking she comes off as a whiny kid who’s lost the right to play with her toys.

This particular episode does shine because of the clearly dark path John has taken. He seems to know it’s morally ambiguous but eventually gives in and takes it when he realises he can’t keep up with these people. The Flag Smashers killing his friend, though, is definitely going to make him worse. I’m interested to see how this’ll all conclude. It only has 2 more episodes and the mystery of Zemo needs to be solved. John is definitely endgame bad guy though.

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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.