Daredevil: Cut Man (Spoiler Alert)

Marvels Original Netflix series Daredevil

If you haven’t started watching Netflix’s new live-action series Daredevil, what’s your hold up?  I’ve already recapped Episode 1: “Into The Ring”, so make sure to go over and read that before reading this recap of Episode 2.

Now, onto “Cut Man”.

Episode 1 left us watching a little boy kidnapped as his father watched.  The masked man, standing on the roof, could hear everything.  As we begin Episode 2, we see him in a dumpster, beaten and cut.  We are introduced to Claire Temple (Rosario Dawson), as she and a neighbor hoist him out and bring him up to her apartment.  While trying to bandage him up and get answers, Temple is left to wonder what the hell is going on.  As she stitches him, she learns that he is blind, but doesn’t realize the extent of his abilities.  As time goes on, she does learn more, like his superior sense of hearing (hearing heartbeat patterns) and his sense of smell (smelling cologne from floors away), but she still doesn’t know his name.  Their relationship with one another is just beginning and it’s brilliant to watch.

Charlie Cox-Daredevil-Episode 2

credit: www.flickeringmyth.com

Rosario Dawson-Daredevil-Episode 2

credit: www.comicbook.com

A big theme in this episode are the flashbacks that Murdock has with his father.  From teasers released prior to the premiere, we know that Murdock’s father was a boxer back in the day.  Little by little we are given insight as to the relationship the two shared.

Jack Murdock - Daredevil - Episode 2

credit: www.decider.com

The end scene left me speechless however.  The masked man, after searching for the entire episode, finally found the kidnapped boy.  The Russians, who play a big part in the series, were the culprits.  After tracking them down to a warehouse, the masked man has one hell of a fight scene in the hallway.  Even though he’s still hurt and opening up wounds, he manages to kick ass and save the boy in the end.


Charlie Cox-Daredevil-Episode 2

credit: www.screenrant.com

As for our other favorite characters, Foggy and Karen pretty much drank through the episode while they bonded with each other.  Their growing relationship is other one to keep an eye on.

So, have I got you hooked yet?

About author(s)


Miranda is currently an editor and (sometimes writer). She's been trying to get back into the swing of things since having her son a year ago. When she is writing, you can find her chatting about Riverdale, Fifty or Robert Pattinson. Catch up with her on Twitter (@MirandaMajor or @MirandaMajor_FN), Instagram (MirandaMajor), Tumblr (mlmajor) or Pinterest (MirandaMajor)