WandaVision “Previously On” Review

WandaVision "The Series Finale"

WandaVision “Previously On” Review

WandaVision “Previously On” is here and it’s an action packed one this time! Following on from the information dump episode 7 left us with. Wanda now has to confront Agatha and even more terrifyingly, her past.

Agatha uses her immense knowledge of magic to open a doorway to Wanda’s memories. Memories she had suppressed in order to protect herself. And we all finally get to see with our own eyes how Wanda did what she did and what led up to it. Not only that but we finally get a glimpse into Wanda’s true power and where it could potentially lead.


Wanda is stuck without the ability to use her powers as Agatha has put up protection spells. We see more of Agatha as a with during the 17th century. Even then being accused of overstepping boundaries and being dangerously curious of forbidden magic.

Agatha goes opens a doorway into Wanda’s memories. She’s curious how Wanda did all that she did. There are moments of genuine heartbreak as Wanda is yet again forced to relive her parents deaths. Agatha makes a remark that Wanda must’ve used a spell to stop the bomb going off but Wanda disputes it determined to believe it was just faulty.

We see her live in the Hydra facility. How she made contact with the Mind stone in the sceptre thus amplifying her powers. We also see her making her way into the SWORD facility and things were nowhere near what Director Hayward said. Making it clear he’s not to be trusted (as if there was any doubt.)

The episode concludes with Agatha holding Billy and Tommy captive with her magic and concluding that the magic Wanda uses is “chaos magic” and she is “The Scarlet Witch.”


I just cannot say how much I loved this episode. It was information dump-y just like episode 7 but it was paced perfectly. By concentrating on Wanda and Agatha only it’s far more streamlined and it doesn’t feel like the story is pushing the characters along, rather the characters are pushing the story along.

Agatha using old style magic with incantations was a little weird but it made sense considering what we saw of her past. Who knows how old Agatha actually is. Speaking of her, I have to say, she is amazing. Definitely frustrating in episode 7 as she’d clearly been shoehorned into being the star but now she’s owning it and it shows. I still don’t know if she wants to kill Wanda or take her magic from her. If her murder of her mother was genuine self defence or if she was planning on killing the coven from the beginning. She’s a mystery and I love it. Just when I start to feel some sympathy for her she pulls that “you fell for it” look and I end up mentally slapping myself.

This may be Wanda’s world but Agatha is queen of it. For now anyway.

I cannot wait to see what the final episode of WandaVision brings now!

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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.