Walker A Tale of Two Families Round Table Review

Walker A Tale of Two Families

Our Rating

Kassi's Score8
Rike's Score8

Walker : A Tale of Two Families Round Table Review


A new episode of Walker called, “A Tale of Two Families”, has arrived. This one is all about getting to know more about the different characters. Are you guys ready for another roller coaster ride? Joining me (Rike) on this round table review is Kassi. Let’s do this!


Walker: A Tale of Two Families Synopsis

Flashbacks to the days right before and after Emily’s (Genevieve Padalecki) death and how the entire Walker family dealt with the sudden tragic loss


Walker A Tale of Two Families


Your opinion about this episode in general?

R: I really enjoyed watching this one because we got to know so many new things about different characters. Those flashbacks were great. Some surprised me and some others were kind of predictable. I did like the fact that they didn’t just focus on the Walker family but also showed us some flashback scenes of Micki (Lindsey Morgan) and Trevor (Gavin Casalegno) for example. 

K: Can I just say that the first minute of the episode was not something I expected to see? It really left me shocked and I kept asking myself if that was something that had really happened or if I had imagined the whole thing. What I loved about this episode is that we finally got to see the aftermath of Emily’s death and how every character was affected by it.


This episode was all about flashbacks and getting to know more about each character. Is there a specific storyline you enjoyed watching the most? And maybe one you didn’t like?

K: I really liked Liam’s (Keegan Allen) storyline. We finally got to see how much he actually had to sacrifice in order to be there for his family after Emily’s death. His firm, for example, told him that they wanted to make him a partner, yet he gave all of that up in order to be there for Stella (Violet Brinson) and the others. One storyline I absolutely hated was Stella’s “wake up call”. 

R: To be honest I can’t name one favorite storyline I did enjoy watching the most. They were all really interesting, even Trevor’s storyline. I agree with Kassi, Stella’s wake up call was kind of an ill thought out thing to do. Walker (Jared Padalecki) deserves better.


Stella’s decision to give her father a “wake up call” was part of the reason why Cordell took an undercover gig out of town. Your thoughts?

R: Jesus Christ! I was so mad when I first watched this scene. The first approach was a good one. Giving Walker a wake up call in his current situation is not a bad thing to do. But not like that, please. She should have told him the truth. He deserves to know the truth. This was too much. Now he still believes that he was the one doing it. It’s driving me crazy. Just have the guts to tell your dad that you made a terrible huge mistake. Take responsibilities for your errors. It’s not too much to ask for.

K: I absolutely hate what Stella did. She knew how much her dad was hurting but instead of giving him more time, she made him believe that he was a danger to his own kids. I wish that Stella and August would have told Cordell that he never caused the accident because so much could have been prevented by that. What I don’t understand is why Stella used to act like Cordell left for selfish reasons, when she knows that it’s her idea that made him leave.


Clint (Austin Nichols) continues to blame Cordell for Crystal’s (Rebekah Graf) death because he was the one who convinced them that one more robbery was a good idea. He never pulled the trigger, but in Clint’s eyes, he was responsible for his loss. Do you think Clint is right with that?

K: I think they would have gone through with it regardless of “Duke’s” opinion, so no. Clint isn’t a follower – when he puts his mind to something, he follows through with it, which was also the case here. I think he only uses that excuse in order to put the blame on someone else – knowing that it was his own idea that got Crystal killed.

R: It’s always easier to blame someone else rather than yourself, especially if it’s about someone you care a lot about. I get it. But one day you have to admit that you did something wrong. That Walker shouldn’t take the blame for something he isn’t responsible for. Their lifestyle is why Crystal died in the end and nothing else.


Liam gets shot at the end of the episode. Do you think he’ll make it or is this going to end bad?

R: Please! He has to survive. I won’t accept it if he doesn’t make it in the end. Please make him survive all of this. That’s all I’m asking for.

K: I’m afraid that he won’t make it. Clint shot him in the chest right above his heart, so I’m really worried that he will bleed out before anyone gets a chance to help him.


Your final score:

K: 8 / 10

R: I’ll go with a solid 8 as well.


We would like to hear your opinion on the latest Walker episode “A Tale of Two Families”. Let us know in the comments or via social media, and don’t forget to join us when we are back with a preview and another round table review for the next episodes.


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Jenn is a Book Lover, Fangirl, Daniel Cudmore's Number one Fan, and Ricky Whittle connoisseur and the "chairwoman" of #TheWhittleExperience. Co-Owner of When not found traveling to and from NYC (my home, my heart), reading, or writing on one of the several sites she owns, she's usually on Tumblr stalking Ricky Whittle gifs and scouring the Internet for more goodies on Dan. Jenn is also a budding artist and has her own studio where she creates some fandom made goodies. Follow her on Twitter, & Instagram.