The Trolltooth Wars – Comic Review

The Trolltooth Wars – Comic Review

Trolltooth Wars Cover

At True Believers in 2019 I picked up Steve Jackson’s The Trolltooth Wars graphic novel. It’s adapted from some of the Fighting Fantasy series of books (a collection of which I have on my bookshelf) by PJ Montgomery and illustrated by Gavin Mitchell (I’m really sorry it’s taken this long Gav).

Trolltooth Wars


When Balthus Dire’s hill goblins raid a caravan transporting a mystical herb to Zharradan Marr, they set into motion a chain of events that plunge Allansia into a vicious war between the two evil sorcerers.

With their powers and forces being well-matched, the war escalates, and the kingdom of Salamonis comes under threat. A champion is needed to turn the war to Salamonis’ advantage and prevent the bloodshed.

The warrior Chadda Darkmane is selected for the mission, and must travel across Allansia seeking unlikely allies, as unseen forces plot against him. Can Darkmane bring an end to the war, or will chaos rule over Allansia?

Trolltooth Wars Sample


Jam packed with magic and monsters Steve Jackson’s The Trolltooth Wars is an epic fantasy adaptation. If you’ve ever played through any of the Fighting Fantasy books then you’ll recognise plenty of names and places. I got a giddy thrill to actually see Zagor, the Warlock of Firetop Mountain, in all his magic-weilding glory.

I really enjoyed having a linear story to read. The Fighting Fantasy books are a lot of fun. I recommended them a bunch when I was working as a bookseller. Sometimes though you just want to blast through a swashbuckling adventure without having to go find a notepad and dice and stuff.

The main characters are Chadda Darkmane, the heroic warrior who is chosen to protect the interests of Salamonis, and his servant Chervah. They journey across the land to find some way to tip the balance of a raging war in favour of Salamonis. Along the way they encounter cut-throat mercenaries and powerful sorcerers.

I thought the development of the relationship between Darkmane and Chervah was nicely done. It really helped show that Darkmane isn’t just your typical burly hero. He’s got a bit more depth than I realised to begin with. I also really liked the way that scenes in The Black Tower for example were handled. The really dark colours contribute brilliantly to the atmosphere. They also force the reader to slow down and really look to pick out the details.

Where to get it

You can check out an 8 page preview of The Trolltooth Wars here. If you want to skip the preview and just buy it then you can do that here for the bargain price of just £10. Gavin and his lovely lady Emily also have a bundle available on their etsy store . It includes The Trolltooth Wars plus a bunch of their other comics and a lovely tote bag for just £20!

Now I’m off to dig out my copy of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, some dice and a notebook.

About author(s)

Clare Hemsworth

Hey, I'm Clare, aka Ciara or C. My current fandoms are RWBY and The Last Kingdom along with a bunch of other stuff I tend to let build up and then binge! I'm a keen, albeit amateur, cosplayer and love attending cons in various cosplays. I'm also the resident comic book girl around these parts, especially small press comics, so if you've got an indie book you want reviewed, I'm your gal! When I'm not doing the fangirl thing I am a keen long-distance hiker, having completed Te Araroa in New Zealand and The Pacific Crest Trail on the West Coast of the US.