Sons of Anarchy: The Separation of Crows

In this week’s Sons of Anarchy, there was a very telling moment between Gemma and the junkie mom while up in the cabin. The mom says to Gemma, that the hardest thing is knowing that her own weakness is what drove her son to violence, and those actions most times are a mistake, an impulse that causes more chaos. I wanted to start with this because essentially this has been the premise of the entire season.
I started re-watching the first season, and looking back to see how so much has changed for Jax and the club. One of the things that stuck out the most is the similarities between Jax and Opie. They were best friends. They were supposed to be the new blood of SAMCRO, but so many things broke Opie down, eventually leading to his death. Opie lost Donna by the hand of a brother, leaving behind two kids. Jax loses Tara at the hand of his own mother, leaving behind two kids. The change in Jax initially started when he found his father’s manuscript, and it solidified when he found out that his best friend lost his wife at the hands of Clay. The Jax and Clay dynamic shifted greatly from then on, until he took Clays life last season. However, looking back at Jax then and who he is now, he’s become Clay.
Jax killing Jury, (president of the Indian Hills Club), the way he did, even after Jury said that he wasn’t the one who outed the club out to Lin, was dirty. I’d like to believe that Jury was telling the truth when he said that he wasn’t the rat, if so the rat is still out there. What hit home in the moments before Jax killed him, was that Jury knew about the manuscript. We haven’t heard anything about it in so long, so it felt like they were trying to go back full circle. He told Jax his speculations he had about JT’s death, and maybe it was that which pushed Jax over the edge. Whatever the reason, this is going to no doubt come back to bite him and club in the ass.
Sons Of Anarchy 1x01 Pilot
Bobby is still losing body parts, a few fingers this time. He still refuses to talk, and the club is not giving Marks what he needs, so it still looks pretty dismal for Bobby at this point. Even if they do get him back, his riding days are most likely over, since he’s missing fingers from his clutch hand, and an eye.
Jax admitted that he grossly underestimated Marks. So much so that we believe it had to be one of Marks guys who killed Gemma’s birds and splattered them in her bed, and in the boy’s room “No Son is Safe” is written on the wall in blue crayon, with a knife stuck through a stuffed animal.
Jax is now at a crossroads. His vengeance for Tara’s death, and Gemma’s lie has hit too close to home with Bobby and a home intrusion. He’s going to have to make some important decisions if he plans on keeping everyone else safe. His own son is on a destructive path and no one seems to be doing anything about it. There’s something very unsettling in Abel’s eyes, and it’s only a matter of time before something bad happens.
Juice still locked up asks Jarry and Unser for protection when he gets to Stockton in return for the names of Tara’s killers and location of the murder weapon. How the hell is he going to produce a murder weapon? Is there a bloody fork lying around somewhere? Unser knows there’s a piece of the puzzle missing. He’s been around the club far too long to believe everything Juice is saying. I hope he figures it out. Actually at this point I hope someone figures it out, and soon!
So we’re left with wondering who the rat is and what is Jax going to do, now that they received another gift from August. ‘The Separation of Crows,’ starts and ends with a conversation between Chibs and Jax. However, Chibs gives Jax conflicting advise, which leaves us confused about which way he wants Jax to go. Is it possible that the rat could be closer than Jax ever thought possible?

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This life is a blessing..I travel, I blog, my heart belongs to my family & friends, and refuse to follow the rules...P.S., life is too short to wear boring shoes xoxo