
RWBY Vol 7 Chapter 5 Discussion

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Our Rating

Clare's Score8
Sophie's Score8.5

RWBY Vol 7 Chapter 5 – Sparks

This was an interesting episode. We had some new team dynamics, the return of some familiar faces, and a few new ones. Clare and Sophie sat down to chat about the brand new episode of RWBY Vol 7, Chapter 5 – Sparks.

First off, let’s start with our gang taking on their first missions as full blown Huntsmen and Huntresses. What was your favourite of their missions?

C – come on, Jaune (Miles Luna) as the crossing guard getting flirted with by a bunch of moms was pretty adorable. But I also liked Ruby (Lindsay Jones) and Weiss (Kara Eberle) working together.

S – they were all awesome TBF but I think Jaune being a crossing guard made me laugh the most.

C – Oh, I also loved Ruby, Qrow (Jason Liebrecht), Clover (Christopher Wehkamp) and Penny (Taylor McNee) towards the end, that’s an interesting team-up. Also that almost touch between Qrow and Clover when they were playing cards… be still my shipper heart.

That training montage was kinda badass. Did you have a favourite moment?

C – I thought Marrow (Mick Lauer) stealing Jaune’s coffee was cute, and Team RWBY all asleep on each other by the end too.

S – I had a few! Nora (Samantha Ireland) plaiting Ren’s (Neath Oum) hair…. Marrow stealing Jaune’s coffee then Jaune taking 2 cups next time but I think I would have to say the scene with Marrow, Yang (Barbara Dunkelman) and Blake (Arryn Zech) that little fight scene was awesome. Marrow questioning the girls fighting styles and always pairing up rather than working solo, just to annoy Yang into using her semblance and both of them kicking ass!

So we saw some familiar faces return in the form of Flynt Cole and Neon Katt, as well as the rest of Team FNKI (Kobalt and Ivory). Did you expect to see them again?

C – absolutely not, but I am so happy we did, and that we got to meet the rest of the team (albeit briefly).

S – I really did not, I love Neon’s new outfit! This scene for me kind of reaffirmed that Oscar (Aaron Dismuke) is now part of team JNR so I do wonder what their team name is now… also Kobalt sandwich haha

C – mmm sandwiches. Yeah, Oscar joining Team JNR, as per the opening credits, is pretty cool. Only name I can think of is ORNJ (Orange) but I don’t want Jaune to stop being their team leader.

S – Jaune is totally the team leader!!!

Speaking of new faces, Robin Hill (Christina Vee) and her Happy Huntresses made their first proper appearance this week. Thoughts?

C – I don’t like her. Or at least, I don’t like her tactics. I am with Clover, if she has issues then surely running around vigilante style, interfering with the military is going to get her in trouble. Better to focus on her campaign for office and make a difference there surely?

S – I get why she is doing it this way, the ‘Robin Hood’ element of it, she really does need to concentrate on her campaign though, she NEEDS to beat Jacques (he’s not even a real Schnee!!) and he is black mailing everyone with their jobs. I do kinda wish there was a bit of a fight though…

The Schee Sisters! Thoughts?

S – I loved the scenes with Winter (Elizabeth Maxwell) and Weiss, fighting with their summons and Weiss giving Winter a bit of sass instead of taking it like a wounded puppy, it shows how far Weiss has come. There is so much more respect between the two than the last time we saw them together (at the Vytal festival). Also Winter as the Winter Maiden, a name so appropriate she probably picked it herself (to quote Raven). So potentially Weiss could end up as the Winter Maiden, this does line up with my theory that team RWBY will all end up as Maidens.

C – I can totally see everyone apart from Ruby herself as Maidens, cos honestly I think Silver eyes AND Maiden powers is just a bit too overpowered. Unless that combo is what it would take to kill Salem? I did love the stuff between Weiss and Winter, it’s so nice to see how far Weiss has come. She’s not the spoiled little princess depending on her family name any more, and she is able to take criticism from her big sister without getting stroppy now.

RWBY Vol 7 Chapter 5 is available to watch now for Rooster Teeth FIRST members and will be available for non-FIRST members on December 7th. We will be back to chat about Chapter 6 next week (although a few days later since Sophie and I will both be at a convention). Don’t forget you can check out our previous episode chats and our other RWBY content by searching RWBY on the site.

About author(s)

Clare Hemsworth

Hey, I'm Clare, aka Ciara or C. My current fandoms are RWBY and The Last Kingdom along with a bunch of other stuff I tend to let build up and then binge! I'm a keen, albeit amateur, cosplayer and love attending cons in various cosplays. I'm also the resident comic book girl around these parts, especially small press comics, so if you've got an indie book you want reviewed, I'm your gal! When I'm not doing the fangirl thing I am a keen long-distance hiker, having completed Te Araroa in New Zealand and The Pacific Crest Trail on the West Coast of the US.