
Recap: Legends of Tomorrow 509: Zari, Not Zari

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Recap: Legends of Tomorrow 509: Zari, Not Zari

In Legends 509, Zari goes on a totem quest, and Charlie faces off against her sister-with deadly results for one of the crew.

Major Spoilers!

Zari Sleepwalks

Photo credit: The CW

Zari(Tala Ashe), sleeping fitfully, realizes she is not sleeping alone. Rolling over, she sees she is in Nate’s(Nick Zano) room. What’s worse is that she is sleeping on 300 thread count sheets. Nate reassures her nothing happened, and Zari does a walk of shame that has zero shame. Except for those low count sheets.

Charlie’s Mates

Charlie’s(Maisie Richardson-Sellers) sister, Atropos(Joanna Vanderham), has gone back in time to just after Charlie was captured by the Legends. She kills them all, slashing her way to the final member. She shows him her true form, and she is beautiful and terrible and no mere mortal can see her this way and live. His eyes bleed and he burns from the inside. A devastated Charlie finds out on the Waverider.

Constantine(Matt Ryan) decides there is no time for tears, and uses a spell to find the second part of the Loom of Fate. It is in British Columbia, where all the superhero* shows are shot for that one channel.

Legends 509 Zari

Photo credit: The CW

Charlie’s Other Sister

We See Atropos in hell, talking to someone she calls sister. Lachesis(Sarah Strange) is the Coin Maker, Astra’s(Olivia Swann) protectress and cohort.

Supernatural Set is Apropos for Atropos

John heads out alone, but Charlie and Sara(Caity Lotz) aren’t far behind.

They find themselves on the set of Supernatural, and Sara takes the bag of goodies from Baby’s trunk. Good thing, too, because Atropos shows up.

John and Sara fight her, but how do you beat a goddess? John tells Charlie and Sara to go ahead, that he has things covered. He fools Atropos with a fake body bleeding out on the forest floor, and catches up to the girls.

Funnily, Constantine is walking differently and has a sharper, god-like look in his eye.

WAIT. He really is bleeding out on the forest floor, and Atropos has taken his shape.

Legends 509 Zari

Photo credit: The CW

Sara and Charlie have to fight zombified Supernatural crew members to get to the ring, hidden in a gnarled, goopy, tree of death. Atropos reveals her true form to Sara, and Sara falls.

Legends of Tomorrow Zari

Atropos reveals her true form to Sara.
Photo credit: The CW


Legends 509 Zari

Something’s up with Sara, y’all.
Photo credit: The CW

Using her bone knives to attach Charlie to the tree, she takes the Loom piece. Charlie declares that she isn’t immortal, she is a

Photo credit: The CW


Mick’s Daughter

Mick(Dominic Purcell) is having troubles with his daughter, Lita(Mina Sundwall). Ava(Jes Macallan) suggests fixing things by going to points in time that meant something to her, and getting pictures so that he can be a part of those memories. He actually cracks a smile when he sees her as a newborn, and wait until you see her Halloween costume.

Photo credit: The CW

Sadly, he can’t tell her what he does and why he always had to ditch, and everything blows up in his face. He and Ava decide starting with “I’m sorry” is the best way to fix things.

Zari’s Quest-Carbs Don’t Count in the Totem

Zari keeps seeing her former selves, including her turn as a cat, and thinks she is going crazy. Behrad(Shayan Sobhian), never one to turn a good pharmacological trip down, suggests she ingest drugs and go on a Totem Quest. She does, goes into a deep trance, and meets the Zari we knew before she was zapped out of the timeline. They talk; Totem Zari tears up happily when she realizes her family is still alive in this timeline, and tells new Zari that she seems pretty cool. New Zari was worried that she wasn’t heroic enough, but old Zari calms her fears. They agree to meet again, and Zari will bring Behrad next time.

Photo credit: The CW

Trouble on the Ship

Atropos has used the Loom piece that she has to track down Charlie’s piece. It is coming right to her as Nate has brought the ship to British Columbia. He finds Constantine, still breathing and happy that nature has such an apothecary. Sara is still alive, too, much to Charlie’s surprise.

The piece is beside Zari, still in a trance. Atropos tells Behrad that if he lets her have the piece, Zari will live. He does nothing to stop her until she turns her back. He grabs Genghis Khan’s sword, thinking it will work on her, but it does not. She tells him he does not belong, pulling the thread of his life from him and cutting it. He falls, dead, to the floor.

“You don’t belong here.”
Photo credit: The CW

Sara grabs Khan’s sword, orders the ship to take off into the time stream, and goes after a very surprised Atropos. She asks Sara what she is. The sword has no effect on Atropos, but the ship’s open bay doors do. Sara grips onto a strap, and Atropos grabs her ankle.

Legends 509 Zari

Photo credit: The CW

The sword is stuck out of Sara’s reach, but Charlie slides in, and using the sword, chops off her sister’s hand(which was wearing both Loom pieces), sending her off into the time stream.

The Loom pieces are safe, and things are cool. Except they aren’t.

Fate’s a bitch, innit?

Zari Awakens to a Nightmare

Legends 509 Zari

Photo credit: The CW

Finally awakening, Zari sees Behrad on the floor. She weeps over his body, and then, angry, goes for Constantine in sick bay. Blaming Constantine, she asks him if recovering the Loom will undo what happened to Behrad. His assurance leads to her promising that she will stick to him every second until the Loom is pieced together.

What did you think about Legends 509: Zari, not Zari?

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*If you don’t think Sam and Dean are superheroes, you’re far from perfect, but you’re probably good.

About author(s)

Angel Miller

Hi! I am from Kentucky, and am usually being a human. Love God, family, country, rescue animals, and my fandoms. Also chocolate. I get overly angry when people's glasses on TV are not right.