The Originals – The Brothers that Care Forgot recap

Previously – we get some reminders that Esther has offered our favourite immortals new, mortal lives, she tortured Elijah and she’s done something nefarious to Cami. The wolves are beholden to Esther because of their daylight rings. Oh and Klaus and Elijah currently have Kol and Finn chained up in their ballroom.

Klaus talks about the innocence of youth as Aunty Bex pushes hope on a swing at a playground. The four Mikaelson brothers are talking over dinner, Klaus is trying to bring Kol and Finn over to his side. Kol seems willing to take the deal and says Klaus should have just asked rather than keeping him chained up all night. Elijah says that was Klaus’s idea, he wanted to remove their limbs one by one. Hang on, have the writers got their Original brothers confused? Klaus being relatively peaceable and Elijah advocating violence… Oh boy Esther really did a number on him after all didn’t she?

Finn enquires where Rebekah is and how she was able to get away from Klaus’s vile machinations. Klaus asks if they think him vile what do they make of Esther. Finn is sure Rebekah will accept Esther’s offer which riles Elijah who seems to be clinging to the last shreds of his sanity by his impeccably manicured fingernails right now. Finn says that Esther is determined to find Rebekah and we see that suddenly the playground where she and Hope are is surrounded by starlings, Esther’s birds. Elijah bites Finn…yep…he’s losing it. Klaus drags him off and berates him, remarking on the fact that Elijah is the one needing restraint. Just then Elijah gets a call from Bekah, she’s freaked out by the starlings and on the run with Hope. Klaus overhears and tells her to run and that he will tell Hayley but Rebekah shoots that plan down, knowing Esther will be watching Hayley. She says to text her with instructions and hangs up. Elijah wants Klaus to go while he deals with their brothers but Klaus disagress since he needs Kol and Finn alive and he doesn’t think that is likely to happen if Elijah stays with them. He sends Elijah and tells him to do whatever it takes to keep his daughter safe…anyone else see this ending VERY badly? Cos Klaus seems to.

Aiden is talking to Jackson and Hayley, the wolves are all freaking out after Finn was taken but so far none of them know that Aiden was the traitor. Hayley instructs him to call a meeting of the pack to try and take control and get them to turn on Esther. Aiden argues that the rings she gave them make them strong and none of the wolves will give that up. Jackson steps in and tells him to call the damn meeting…and the alpha steps up to bat at long last. After Aiden leaves Jackson and Hayley talk about what he will say at the meeting. He tells her that while he was with Ansel he wrote down everything the older wolf had to say and that if only he had known he was Klaus’s father he would have asked so much more. He’s been studying the things Ansel told him to find something to save their people but he can’t find anything. He goes off to get his beer buzz on at 10am leaving Hayley behind, she picks up his journal to read for herself.

Davina confesses to Marcel and Josh that they are in danger as Kol stole the stake. Except they aren’t. Marcel tells her that Klaus has the stake, and Kol, since Marcel himself handed the scheming little sod over. Davina isn’t happy and tells Marcel that she doesn’t know Kol the way she does, he says no, he knows him better. Marcel apologises for going behind her back and then heads out, things to do, tells her to stick with Josh and she’ll be fine.

Kol and Finn are meanwhile trying to figure a way out of their current predicament but are too slow, Klaus arrives with Marcel in tow and offers his eldest and youngest brothers an ultimatum; join him against their mother or their lives will be reduced to an unending sequence of agonising torture delivered by Marcel who is really not happy that Kol first of all got Davina involved and is now apparently trying to drag Rebekah into the mix. Wait…so Marcel hasn’t totally forgotten about the woman he was so in love with he summoned Mikael to get rid of Klaus so he could be with after all!! Marcel is rather enjoying torturing Kol who tries to angle his way out of the situation by offering to help Marcel retake the city from Klaus. Marcel isn’t interested, he wants information from Kol and stabs him through the hand to show he means business.

Davina and Josh chat, she’s pissed at her repeated failures to take Klaus down and Josh is a bit put out since all the werewolves in the city want him dead apart from the one he is dating (he then refers to their relationship as Romeo and Romeo which makes me very not happy indeed. If the writers touch one hair on either Josh or Aiden’s heads there will be hell to pay), he shows her a picture of his werewolf beau and Davina insists he invite him over so she can meet him.

Klaus meanwhile has produced a roll of chef’s knives and starts brandishing them in front of Finn in a thoroughly intimidating (I think it’s meant to be intimidating anyway, it’s definitely sexy) manner. Klaus says he gets it, that Esther must have clung to Finn after Freya died…oh crap…I think some family secrets are about to be spilled. Klaus makes Finn an offer, join with him against Esther and Klaus will give him what he has never had, freedom to choose his own path in life.

Hayley confronts Jackson with the journal, he wrote down a story that Ansel told him about a ritual that bestowed abilities on werewolves. Jackson believes that it’s true since he now knows that Ansel would have seen it with his own eyes rather than the myth that the wolves in their pack grew up hearing about. He tells Hayley that back in the day the wolf packs all had distinct abilities, some strength, some had speed. In order to evolve a shaman would marry the alphas of two bloodlines and anyone who attended the ritual would inherit the abilities of both packs. After a few centuries all the packs were so blended they all had the same abilities so the marriages became all about power and territory, more like political alliances. Hayley realises she has a distinct ability – she can control her own form, so if she and Jackson were to marry their people would be able to ditch the moonlight rings. Jackson bursts her party bubble when he says that in order for it to work it has to be a proper marriage for good, something she isn’t really up for. (I gotta say I want to hug the writers for this idea. It’s something really fresh for werewolf mythology and it has some impressive repercussions for the show as a whole that I can’t wait to see play out.)

Cami wakes up to a call from Hayley who needs something from Kieran’s Cupboard of Weird. Cami isn’t feeling too well…a hangover from whatever Esther did to her perhaps? Plausible since Cami doesn’t seem to remember anything. She’s dig up some stuff about werewolf rituals for Hayley who is very conflicted, she wants to help her people but she’s not sure about marrying Jack. Cami asks what Elijah thinks, Hayley says they haven’t really spoken since she became a hybrid but he’s still under her skin. Speaking of under the skin…what the hell is up with the puncture wounds right down Cami’s spine?

Jaiden and Davina meet, Davina excuses herself to order them all some Thai food and leaves the lovebirds (who are NOT doomed) alone. Aiden is having trouble dealing with his self-described ‘traitor’ status, he tells Josh about the meeting he has called. Josh gives him some stellar advice about loyalty and then FINALLY we get a Jaiden kiss (crane shot and everything. I’m hearing choirs of angels!). They are surprised when they don’t hear applause from Davina but that’s cos the little witch has bailed. She’s in Kol’s ‘playhouse’ in the cemetery making some icky looking potion which she drinks.

Kol is still pinned to the chair with a knife through his hand by Marcel who then threatens to turn him. Kol says it won’t matter, Esther has plans for him no matter what and he doesn’t think his family would care if he died anyway. Marcel asks again what Kol is up to with Davina. Kol taunts him and Marcel goes to hurt him again but Klaus intervenes, says maybe they should give him some time to think before they kill him. Marcel replies that Kol already thinks Klaus doesn’t care about him. Klaus now has exactly what he needed, he knows Kol is just desperately seeking attention and Klaus says he wants to make it up to him.

Hayley calls Elijah who is in a diner somewhere, he smiles at her name on the screen but ignores the call. He seems to be getting some odd looks so he stops the waitress and asks if anyone out of the ordinary has been in. She replies just him before she spills coffee on his hand. Diner coffee. That stuff that’s so hot you’d think it had been brewed in the fires of Mount Doom and he doesn’t even flinch. His only concern is getting the coffee stain off his shirt cuff. As he rubs frantically (out, out damn spot) we get another flash of his resurfacing memory of him killing Tatia, the red door and Esther telling him to clean himself up.

Klaus goes back to see Finn who is still convinced of Esther’s love for him and he tells Klaus that he wouldn’t exist if not for Esther’s sacrifice. Finn then drops the bombshell about Dahlia and Freya and what really happened. He talks of the pain of having to give away a child without even knowing that Klaus has done exactly that and that Dahlia will be coming back for Hope and everyone else.

Rebekah and Hope arrive at the diner, Elijah embraces his little sister and then Hope. They sit and talk about Rebekah raising the baby and then he tells her about Esther’s offer (and mentions that he was tortured with memories he thought he had buried long ago…so does that mean he really did all that stuff and it wasn’t just Esther screwing with him? I’m so confused!). Rebekah, predictably, seems interested in the offer and Elijah admits that his is also tempted. He reaches out to reassure Rebekah and she notices blood on his sleeve. Come to think of it, the diner is kinda quite…Elijah what have you done? He notices her look and says not to worry, they are safe, Rebekah deflects by saying the baby needs a diaper change only to find blood everywhere and a bunch of corpses in the kitchen.

Back in New Orleans Klaus is pissed off at Elijah for not answering his calls, he hangs up and Davina is there, Marcel tells her now is not the time, there’s grown up stuff going on but she snaps his neck and tells Klaus now it’s just them. Oh Davina you silly little witch, what are you doing?

Jackson addresses the pack at the meeting in St Anne’s church (honestly, this place is Supernatural central, have the clergy totally checked out? No replacement for Kieran in months and no-one seems bothered that the place is being used as a meeting room. Who has the keys? Does each faction have a set of their own? Is there a booking system so that there aren’t scheduling conflicts? Am I the only one asking these questions? Yes…oh…okay. Back to the recap then) but they don’t seem to be listening until Aiden stands up and declares his loyalty and support to Jackson. Hayley then arrives and says she wants to hear what Jackson has to say. One of the wolves tells her she isn’t welcome, that she isn’t even one of them, a fact she promptly disproves by beginning to transform into a wolf showing she is still one of them. A Crescent. She also tells them they can have just as much control over their form as she has without a ring if they sit down, shut up and listen.

Klaus and Davina meanwhile are having a bit of a set-to which ends up with Klaus biting her and then collapsing, she’s made her blood toxic to him somehow. Kol appears and is impressed, she asks how he got free and he avoids the question, instead asking what her plan is for Klaus. She says they have an hour, maybe less, which should be enough time to chain him, bleed him and dump his body in the river. Even Kol thinks that’s a bit harsh, Davina asks why he even cares and Marcel wakes up just in time to tell her that it’s because the youngest Mikaelson has swapped sides – for now at least. Cami arrives and tells them about her puncture wounds and her suspicion that Esther is behind it somehow. Seems like everyone is agreed that they need Klaus apart from Davina.

At St Anne’s Hayley tells the rest of the pack about the Unification Myth being true and then basically proposes to Jackson on the spot. Aiden is the first to ditch his ring and pledge himself to be part of “the greatest pack that ever lived.”

Back at the compound Kol confirms Esther’s handiwork and says that the marks are the by-product of preparation for a body-jump spell. Cami is furious and goes to see Finn, she slaps him and asks why her to which he responds that she was perfect. Alone – no-one would notice her personality changes, and Klaus would never let anyone hurt her. She threatens to kill herself rather than let Esther take her over which is when Finn drops yet another bombshell. Cami was never going to be a vessel for Esther, she was for Rebekah.

WHAT. THE….???

At the diner Rebekah snaps Elijah’s neck after hearing him say that they cannot allow anything to harm Hope.

The tentative alliance convinces Davina to revive Klaus who is altogether smug that yet again he has won since Davina has had to bring him around.

Hayley and Jackson talk about their impending union. He promises to be a good husband to her and then proposes properly.

Kol and Klaus bond over beignets and how they are going to proceed. Klaus tells Kol that he mourned him after his death and did try to avenge him. They are interrupted by a call from a very concerned Rebekah who tells Klaus what has happened. He orders her to go to where they dined the Christmas after they fled from Mikael and she agrees. He hangs up and storms into the ballroom where he proceeds to dump Finn into his old coffin and slam the lid (don’t worry, he’s made air holes this time) on him before heading out. Hayley sees him and asks where Elijah is as she has something to tell them both. Klaus says she can tell him on the way.

“Where are we going?” She asks.

“To see our daughter.”

SOMEBODY HOLD ME! That means Daddy Klaus is coming, and considering the next episode is the mid-season finale I think it is fair to say that given all the plates this show currently has spinning that episode is going to be an absolute doozy! I’d try and predict what I think is going to happen but I just don’t have any fair idea. All I can say is roll on episode 8!


About author(s)

Clare Hemsworth

Hey, I'm Clare, aka Ciara or C. My current fandoms are RWBY and The Last Kingdom along with a bunch of other stuff I tend to let build up and then binge! I'm a keen, albeit amateur, cosplayer and love attending cons in various cosplays. I'm also the resident comic book girl around these parts, especially small press comics, so if you've got an indie book you want reviewed, I'm your gal! When I'm not doing the fangirl thing I am a keen long-distance hiker, having completed Te Araroa in New Zealand and The Pacific Crest Trail on the West Coast of the US.