Music Monday: Madonna Turns 60


Madonna Turns 60


It’s crazy to believe that Madonna has turned 60. Her birthday was last Thursday August 16. This woman is always keeping it fresh; changing her style, her fashion, and her music. Lets be honest there would be no Lady Gaga, no Brittany Spears, no Taylor Swift if it wasn’t for her paving the way. She is truly a music icon of my time.

In the 80s and early 90s we had Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Prince and Madonna. They were always on my radio or my TV; cause back then MTV actually played music videos. With three of the four tragically gone too soon, I am happy Madonna is still around making music and living her crazy life.

Her Music

True Blue was one of the my first airbands/lipsync songs that I did in elementary school. I still know all my little dance moves to this day.

The Cherish video will always top my list of all time favorites because of the mermaids. I love mermaids or should I say merman.

Crazy for You was in a movie called Vision Quest and I am sure I haven’t even had my first kiss when it came out but I loved this song so much.

Like a Prayer is still one of those song that makes me sing like I am in church.

Vogue will always be a great song to dance too and let’s be honest everyone loves to Vogue.

Baseball or Softball has never been a sport I wanted to play, but after seeing League of Their Own, I wanted to play so bad. Sadly I am just not coordinated enough for that. But Madonna did star in the movie as well as had the title track for the soundtrack.

This is one of those questions I have never got an answer to, What is the Secret her baby isn’t sharing with her?!?

I don’t know what is about this beat but this song always always makes me wanna dance. So come on and dance with me to Music.

Madonna had had many duets, but here is one of my favorites because I love me song JT, Justin Timberlake.

Happy 60th Birthday Madonna. Thank you for being you and keeping it real and fresh. The music world is better because you are part of it. Let me know below if there is any of her songs or videos that I didn’t mention that you like. Until next time catch ya on the B-side.

About author(s)


PurpleBrina is a down to earth single mom who loves all things purple, tattoos, bacon, reading, singing, and music is her life. And lets not forget her love for all things SUPERMAN including the man who plays him on the big screen Henry Cavill.

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