Music Monday – 90’s Rock Bands

Monday’s always suck, but you know what doesn’t suck? 90’s rock music. Some of the best rock bands came out in that era. So put your favorite flannel and get ready to rock out….

Nirvana  “Smells Like Teen Spirit”

Green Day  “Basketcase”

Radiohead  “Creep”

Stone Temple Pilots  “Plush”

Pearl Jam  “Even Flow”

The Offspring  “Self-Esteem”

Jane’s Addiction  “Been Caught Stealing”

Beck  “Loser”

Weezer  “Say It Ain’t So”

Foo Fighters  “My Hero”

Blur  “Song 2”

Everclear  “Santa Monica”

Soundgarden  “Black Hole Sun”

Silverchair  “Tomorrow”

Blink-182  “Dammit”

Korn  “A.D.I.D.A.S.”


Did I miss any? Let me know.


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PurpleBrina is a down to earth single mom who loves all things purple, tattoos, bacon, reading, singing, and music is her life. And lets not forget her love for all things SUPERMAN including the man who plays him on the big screen Henry Cavill.

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