“Love Is To Die” True Blood

Season after season, True Blood has never disappointed me. Like any show, it’s had its WTF moments, but no matter how crazy the story lines have gotten (and some have been pretty out there), the Sunday night anticipation of what was coming next never dissipated. And this final season is no exception. In speaking with other fans of the show, and articles I’ve read, some have been less than impressed in this final season. It’s too slow, or why are they just pairing everyone off? I feel that these last 9 episodes have brought us back full circle. It’s a welcomed bit of simplicity instead of the constant chaos we’ve grown accustomed too.
Last night was pretty bittersweet. Honestly, who didn’t shed a tear when Jessica asked Bill to release her. If felt like a child losing their parent. Jessica has always been one of my favorite characters. We’ve seen her go from a scared and sheltered girl, to a frightened and confused baby vamp when Bill changed her. And we’ve watched her grow up, experience her first love, and then ruin it so she could inevitably find out who she really is, and embrace it. Jessica coming clean to Hoyt was a pretty powerful scene. It was really beautiful in my opinion, very nicely done.

My second favorite scene was watching everyone (who’s left) sitting at the table in Bellefleur’s. Human’s, vamps, and faeries sitting together enjoying some good Cajun cooking, and Arlene as the mama bear bringing everyone together was pretty surreal. It’s probably the last thing you’d expect to see on True Blood, but it was perfect. It was comforting, and I think we needed to see that closure.

Oh yea, bye Sam! Poor Sam has always gotten the short end of the stick, but even I was a bit surprised at his impromptu exit. A note and a flashback is all we got after 7 seasons….I gotta admit that was a wee bit disappointing. I thought there may be a little bit more from our favorite pup.

But YAY for Ginger!!! She finally got her moment of hot sexy viking bliss. And a moment it was, well, 15 seconds to be exact! But, hell I’d take that 15 seconds too!! Don’t deny it, you would too!!!

So that leaves us in the home stretch, I’m still in denial that after next week it’s over. So what’s in store for Bill and Sookie, and will Bill really meet his true death? He wants the true death so he can set Sookie free, but is that really what’s best for her, and what crazy stunt is she going to pull to try to stop him? What are your opinions for next week’s final True Blood?

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This life is a blessing..I travel, I blog, my heart belongs to my family & friends, and refuse to follow the rules...P.S., life is too short to wear boring shoes xoxo

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