“Kill Switch” 07.08 – Castle

As always it is about that time in the season where we get an episode that is not Caskett-centric, much like last season’s “Under Fire” or ” The Wild Rover” from season 5. This time around we get an Esposito flavored episode. I will admit to looking forward to this one a little more than other fans, only because we are getting such excellent backstory on all of the other characters and Javi is just coming off as bitter. I was hoping that some of the development of the episode would give us some insight into why he has seemingly turned on Castle. He has been taking shots at Castle since season 5 and then there was the whole doubting his story earlier this season. But alas, we were awarded almost no character insight and development.

I really appreciate that the writers are still throwing in the bits and lines from earlier seasons, Beckett’s, “You still remind me a little of Hooch” still has me fist pumping with the hugest smile on my face! I am continuing to love that they are actively using Castle to help decipher the crime scenes and are taking him seriously, after all this time, he has to have learned something!! I also love that they incorporated the domestic Caskett moment and the crime scene roll up! hooch

We find out that our victim had probably made his fair share of enemies as a government investigator, specializing in all things that have been subjects for conspiracy theories.  But it was one meeting in particular that was worrying him, conveniently the meeting he attended the morning of his demise.

Cue Tori and her excellent tech skills: She uncovers that the meeting that was setup was between Paul and Jared Stone, a hacker, that Castle also suspects is a whistle-blower that is providing proof for Paul’s investigations.

With Stone as a POI, Espo and Ryan head out to find him and find out what he knows about Paul’s murder. I love that they can still bond over their life experiences, even the ones that Espo hasn’t experienced yet. Coupled with the spoiler of a significant shift in the Javi/Lanie relationship, I feel that this particular conversation is very important and a tad foreshadow-y.

They basically stumble upon the suspect and Ryan stays behind as Javi rushes into the subway station after Stone. Javi boards the train with Stone, and approaches him, with the almost the worst result possible. Stone steals a gun from the transit cop that was making a bust on the subway and proceeds to make an emergency stop and take the entire car hostage.

I really appreciate the relationship that they had Javier strike up with the transit cop. That he helped allay the feelings of failure for what had happened and the situation that they have found themselves in. In that same way Castle provides that strength for Beckett when Gates announces at the 12th that Stone has taken hostages including Espo. Which enables her to be that strength for Ryan and then Lanie.  Ryan is beating himself up over letting Epso go in alone. She reminds Kevin that the best thing he can do for his partner is to work the case, to get as much information about Stone, because the more they know, the more power they will have against Stone. I love that they are playing up the Lanie/Beckett friendship this season too. We have seen Kate go to Lanie for strength and advice, so it is good to see that favor and strength being returned.

Tori once again works her magic and gets eyes on the subway car in the form of hacking the CCTV feed coming from the car. Alleviating some of the worry, but heightening the awareness of just how dire the situation is.

uh oh

All photos and gif content courtesy of ABC Studios. Gif credit to drinkingcastleskoolaid.

Everyone in the car appears to be on edge, including Stone, which leads to the deduction, that this wasn’t his idea. He is getting his directions from a third-party, but who and why? Javier decides to try to talk him down, which doesn’t exactly go as planned, as Stone reveals that he’s wrapped in C4 and armed with a kill switch. With his elevated stress level, Stone takes several hits from his inhaler, which ultimately doesn’t help, in fact it makes him sicker.

HRT finds a way to get a message into the subway car, but first they need to know Epso’s pizza order. They also find out Stone’s demands: The release of Erin Wilson.  The message that they relay is their plan to infiltrate the car and take custody of Stone.

Stone, who is ultimately more observant than HRT would have hoped, makes their plan, and that escalates him into action. When he discovers the CCTV feed, and puts an end to it real quick.

Lanie’s immediate reaction of despair over losing the visual, drives her to put her M.E. skills to work as she and Tori review the video feed, she too notices that Stone seems to be getting sicker with each inhaler puff.

With no backup coming, Espo and the transit cop take matters into their own hands, literally. Together they tackle Stone and secure the kill switch, which unfortunately isn’t all that they have been up against. They deduct that a lethal strain of a virus has been loaded into the inhaler, making Stone a living dirty bomb. With Stone infected, everyone he has come in contact with is possibly infected as well.

With Stone captured, the team was privy to the info that he held. Which leads them to the true identity of the “White Knight”. In true conspiracy theory fashion, our “White Knight” turned out to be none other than someone who was greedily trying to climb their way into the 1%, with lies and ill-gotten means.

thats it thats the show

Too soon?

With the team all safe and sound back at the 12th, leave it to the Castle writers to seemingly pay homage to the #TooSoon meme we all had going this summer!

Did you love it, hate it, what did you think about the ep? Drop me a line in the comments, tweet me @camifaith_fn and on tumblr at!

Next up: “Last Action Hero” – Watch Castle fangirl with the best of them! Tonight at 10/9central! Come join the liveblogging conversation on Twitter!

About author(s)


Cami is a Fangirl first, a blogger second, and a Castle addict, always. Castle blogger for FANdemonium, and Castle Room Host for BeamlyUS. Books are her escape, music is her therapy, and Tumblr is her happy place. Follow her on Twitter (@camifaith_FN and @camifaith), Instagram and Tumblr (@drinkingcastleskoolaid).