
Graveyard Keeper Game Review

Graveyard Keeper 1000x600

Our Rating

Value for Money10
This is genuinely a fantastically addictive game. So addictive and so good I'm considering buying it on my Switch so I can play it handheld too (instead of having to rely on my PS Vita.) I can understand why some may be put off by the price, I was at first, but I'm super glad I bit the bullet and bought it. You get so many hours of fun for your money.

Graveyard Keeper Game Review – The most fun you can have outside a morgue

Graveyard Keeper is a simulation RPG developed by Lazy Bear Games and published by tinyBuild. I was super excited for this game and still am. I’m honestly annoyed I’m not playing it right now. The game’s dark sense of humour captured me immediately and the execution of it makes the game all the more charming.


You play as a man who finds himself having a vision and wakes suddenly in a new town with everyone recognising him as the new graveyard keeper. He has absolutely no idea what’s going on. Or how to get back home to his “world.” So his only choice is to play along and accept his new role in this strange town.

It’s simplistic enough but there’s a depth there that keeps you interested in how your character is going to get back to his sweetheart.


This game is very much like Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing in the way that it plays. You work as the graveyard keeper. Raise your level by raising the town member’s trust in you by doing a good job. Basically by keeping the graveyard looking good and healthy. And bringing more and more people to the town.

You construct new items to upgrade what you can harvest to make graves, cook and trade. And you also go through dungeons Zelda style (with sword.) You get different bonuses for the different things you do. For example, digging up ugly, dying trees in the graveyard will give you “physical” points which can then be used to upgrade the tools you can use and the things you can do.

All whilst you harvest the bodies you’re given for meat to trade with. Dark I know, but so very funny.

The game is difficult to explain properly and with enough respect it should be shown so here’s the trailer to give a better idea of what I mean.


I felt bad comparing Graveyard Keeper to Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing because, in a way, it’s nothing like them. Only really in style. I just couldn’t really find the words to accurately describe the game without the comparisons. This is such a fun game. It’s morbid humour throughout the game had me chuckling to myself and made the most normal interactions with the people in town hilarious.

It’s a game that always has something going. Getting your graveyard started and keeping it fresh and clean and looking great is so rewarding. And the donkey, I love the donkey so much (buy the game and you’ll see what I mean, he’s hilarious.)

I will admit that the £24.99 price tag almost stopped me in my tracks but I’m so glad it didn’t. I love this game. I’m absolutely addicted to it, I’m having a blast making my graveyard the best graveyard ever! 

Graveyard Keeper is out now on Steam.


About author(s)


Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.

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