Frank At Home On The Farm – Comic Review

Frank At Home On The Farm – Comic Review

I’ve just been sent 3 issues worth of possibly the best, and most unique horror comic I have had the pleasure of reading. Frank At Home On The Farm is a dark, chilling thriller from the minds of Jordan Thomas and Clark Bint .


Frank At Home On The Farm tells the story of a man returning from war to find his family mysteriously missing from their farm. This sets in motion a series of events that claw and tear at Frank’s mind, body, and soul.

Tormented by nightmares of the front line, the mysterious voices that plague him and disturbed by the townsfolk’s lack of knowledge or interest in his family’s whereabouts, Frank becomes more and more isolated on the farm as he tries to uncover where his parents have vanished to… all under the watchful eye of the farm’s animals.


Frank At Home On The Farm is one of the most macabre, inventive comics I have seen. The creative team do an incredible job of bringing you along on poor Frank’s terrifying descent into paranoid terror. The art is absolutely stunning, alternating between the bucolic setting of Frank’s farm and the horrific visions in his nightmares.

Shout out also to Justin, aka Lettersquids. His lettering work really helps to illustrate Frank’s mental state as the story progresses.

The first couple of issues really had me guessing as to what was going on but the third issue took such a violent swere away from ANYTHING I thought I had figured out. It was great, I can’t remember the last time a story pulled the rug out from under me in quite such an impressive way. I loved how Frank’s loneliness and paranoia at being home in this odd situation emphasise the feelings I’m sure many returning servicemen felt after the Great War. To come home to something so familiar and yet so wrong must have been incredibly jarring. Combine that with the bizarre twist in this tale (that’s a plot related pun, if you’re read it, you’ll get it) and it enhances poor Frank’s isolation.

By the end of #3 I was completely hooked, desperate to find out what happens next but completely clueless as to how things will unfold.

What does the future hold?

Issue 4 will be launching a kickstarter shortly. You can click HERE to be taken to the pre-launch page and be notified when the campaign begins. There will be the opportunity to purchase the three previous volumes as well, so if you have previously missed out, don’t fret! Also, if you get in quick, the wonderful Rory Donald (Griff Gristle) has done a print for #4!!

Jordan recently released the cover art for #4 and…well


About author(s)

Clare Hemsworth

Hey, I'm Clare, aka Ciara or C. My current fandoms are RWBY and The Last Kingdom along with a bunch of other stuff I tend to let build up and then binge! I'm a keen, albeit amateur, cosplayer and love attending cons in various cosplays. I'm also the resident comic book girl around these parts, especially small press comics, so if you've got an indie book you want reviewed, I'm your gal! When I'm not doing the fangirl thing I am a keen long-distance hiker, having completed Te Araroa in New Zealand and The Pacific Crest Trail on the West Coast of the US.