Fanfic Rec Wednesday – Chop and Change

Today, I am pleased to give you another rec by my bestie, PurpleBrina (@PurpleBrina17).
Again, if you’re not reading her Music Monday and/or Throwback Thursday posts here on the Fandemonium Network… why the hell not? They are awesome! Brina not only knows good fic, she REALY knows great music.
Title: Chop and Change

Why is it good?:  I might be a little biased when it comes to this fic writer but I do love this story. E&B are batshit crazy and I love every word of all the crazy shit they do. Think Bonnie and Clyde but with tattoos, piercings and knives. Lol. Though Krazyk is draggin’ ass to finish the sequel ‘cause she is busy working (booooooo), Chop and Change is up and complete. So go forth and read this one.
BTW, the lemon on the purple Lambo… nothing to do with me.  ……Okay, maybe a little bit.
Sidenote: Brina is Krazyk’s pre-reader for most of her fics, including Chop and Change and the WIP sequel, Chopping and Changing.

I have read this one, and am reading the sequel, and I agree. It’s crazy and awesome. Sort of like the author… 😉 (Can’t wait to meet you in person, K!) 
Oh, and hot. Yes. Mmmmmm. Love me some chopward.

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About author(s)


PurpleBrina is a down to earth single mom who loves all things purple, tattoos, bacon, reading, singing, and music is her life. And lets not forget her love for all things SUPERMAN including the man who plays him on the big screen Henry Cavill.