American Gods – Who’s Who & What You Need To Know

Welcome to the dark heart of America

Starz’ adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s epic American Gods is coming in 2017. We thought it might be helpful for those who haven’t read the book to get a brief rundown on who’s who, who to follow and what you might expect when it hits screens next year.

American Gods follows a man named Shadow Moon, played by Ricky Whittle (The 100) @MrRickyWhittle on twitter/@rickywhittle on instagram.

Shadow is a convict who just wants to survive his prison sentence and get home to his beloved wife. Upon his release, the world as he knows it is shattered and he finds himself drawn into the shadowy (pun intended) world of the Gods and the war brewing between Old and New.

The Old Gods

Shadow finds himself employed by Mr Wednesday (Ian McShane), a man who never gives a straight answer but given his true identity that’s not really a surprise. If you know much about the origins of the names of the days of the week then you know what I mean.

Mr Wednesday is trying to muster the forces of the old gods, those religions who have been forgotten by the people of today. Some of those names you might know from mythology such as Anansi aka Mr Nancy, played by Orlando Jones @TheOrlandoJones. Anansi is a figure from African folklore (who got a Gaiman novel all of his own, titled Anansi Boys) who takes the form of a spider and spins stories.

Pablo Schreiber (mentioned in Orlando’s tweet there) plays Mad Sweeney. He might not look like he just jumped off the front of a box of Lucky Charms (more like out of a UFC octagon ready to rumble) but he is actually a Leprechaun! The current spate of cast trailer redecoration continues unabated and it’s worth following the cast to see who Ricky pranks/is pranked by next!

Low-key Lyesmith (I think you can probably work out which god he is) is played by Jonathan Tucker (@jonathanmtucker on twitter/insta)

Thoth and Anubis are two Egyptian Gods Shadow meets on his travels through America. In their human forms they go by Mr Ibis and Mr Jacquel respectively, and run a funeral parlour where Shadow works for a little while. Demore Barnes (@DemoreBarnes) plays Mr Ibis while Mr Jacquel will be brought to life by Chris Obi (@obidon1).

Easter, or the pagan goddess Eostre is played by the frankly Elfin Kristin Chenoweth. I kinda hope Easter has to sing at some point because one can never have enough of Kristin’s voice. Ever. You can follow her on twitter @KCenoweth. It’s worth it because as you’ll see below she recently raided Ricky’s trailer so there’s bound to be payback shortly!

Perhaps less well known are figures like Czernobog (a Slavic deity played to perfection by Peter Stormare) and The Queen of Sheba (@YetideBadaki).

The New Gods

Attempting to seduce Shadow over to the side of the gods of the modern era is Media, played by Gillian Anderson (The X-Files, The Fall) @GillianA on twitter. Media appears to Shadow through TV programs, making the characters talk to him. Media draws her power from what you are doing right now… worshipping your laptop/phone/tablet screen.

Also on the New Gods team is the mysterious Technology Boy, played by Bruce Langley (@BruceJLangley). Technology Boy traffics on the info super highway and is an absolute little shit! Not to be trifled with, he has no patience for the rules of engagement long established in this feud.

I heartily recommend following the American Gods twitter @AmericanGodsSTZ, they are hilariously good fun. I had a very silly chat about dedicating cans of soda to Odin with them just the other day. Although given I said it on twitter…was I actually worshipping Media?

Don’t forget to follow Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) and showrunner Bryan Fuller (@bryanfuller) too!

We will keep you posted on air dates for 2017 when we have them. UK fans, the show will be available on Amazon Prime next year!!

About author(s)

Clare Hemsworth

Hey, I'm Clare, aka Ciara or C. My current fandoms are RWBY and The Last Kingdom along with a bunch of other stuff I tend to let build up and then binge! I'm a keen, albeit amateur, cosplayer and love attending cons in various cosplays. I'm also the resident comic book girl around these parts, especially small press comics, so if you've got an indie book you want reviewed, I'm your gal! When I'm not doing the fangirl thing I am a keen long-distance hiker, having completed Te Araroa in New Zealand and The Pacific Crest Trail on the West Coast of the US.

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