
The Last of Us – “Look for the Light” Review

The Last of Us -- Look For the Light -- Bella Ramsey Pedro Pascal

Our Rating


The Last of Us – “Look for the Light” Review

The Last of Us, “Look for the Light” aired on March 12th on HBO. Based on the 2013 video game developed by Naughty Dog, the series follows Joel (Pedro Pascal), a smuggler tasked with escorting the teenage Ellie (Bella Ramsey) across the post-apocalyptic United States. In “Look for the Light”, a pregnant Anna (Ashley Johnson) places her trust in a lifelong friend. Later, Joel and Ellie near the end of their journey. This is the season finale. Below you will find our review of The Last of Us, “Look for the Light”.

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Warning: This article contains spoilers from The Last of Us “Look for the Light”. Read at your own risk!

The episode starts as a flashback to a lone pregnant woman running and hiding from the infected while she is in labor. During the struggle, she was bitten. This woman is Anna Williams, Ellie’s mom. A small group of Fireflies led by Marlene (Merle Dandridge) finds Anna in an abandoned house. Anna wants Marlene to take Ellie to Boston before requesting that she kills her as the infection is getting worse. It is also revealed that Anna and Marlene have been friends their whole lives.

Back in the present, Joel and Ellie are getting close to the Firefly camp. As they were trying to find a way to up to scope their surroundings when Ellie managed to find a giraffe. Ellie chases after the giraffe, she finds a herd of them. Joel offers that they turn back around and head back to Tommy in Wyoming, but Ellie turns him down and wants to continue.

“People are making apocalypse jokes like there’s no tomorrow.” – Ellie Williams (Bella Ramsey)

Firefly soldiers capture Ellie and knock Joel unconscious. After Joel awakens in the hospital, Marlene tells Joel that Ellie needs surgery, but it will kill her. She orders Joel to be taken away, but he fights back and kills the soldiers. After killing all of the Firefly soldiers in the hospital, Joel finally made his way to the operating room where he finds an unconscious Ellie. Joel kills the surgeon before picking Ellie up and leaving the hospital.

Marline intercepts him, trying to talk him into giving her up for the cure still as there is still time. Looking down at an unconscious Ellie in his arms he shoots and kills Marline. When Ellie wakes up, they are in a car as Joel is taking them back to Wyoming. Joel told her a lie about what happened to the Fireflies and the events in the hospital. As they are hiking to Jackson, Joel is talking about his daughter Sarah and how the two girls would have liked each other. Ellie expresses that she is feeling survivor’s guilt. She then makes him swear that everything he said about what happened to the Fireflies was true, he says yes and she accepts his words.

My Overall Thoughts

We got to see Joel’s darker sharp shooter side in this episode as he would do anything to save Ellie. All season we have been teased about this side of Joel, so finally seeing it created the whole picture. I’m glad they didn’t rush this scene, as it’s a huge impact moment for Joel. As Joel had to choose between saving humanity or saving Ellie who had become like his daughter. We also had the chance to witness a different side of Ellie, as all the pain she has been through has finally taken its toll. It’s clear that she is exhausted.

The flashback in the beginning finally made it clear how Ellie became immune, and the fact that Anna is played by the original Ellie from the game makes the scene even better. It connected the two versions even more. I’m so excited that the original voice actors of four characters from the video game had returned! Merle Dandridge, Troy Baker, Ashley Johnson, and Jeffrey Pierce all did an amazing job, with Merle being the only one to reprise her role as Marlene. It’s really cool how this helps to create an even stronger connection between the game and the show.

Season 2 Predictions

For season 2 it’s still unclear if they are going to pick up where The Last of Us Part 2 takes place, or if they will show the years leading up to Part 2. I’m really hoping for the latter, as it would give the show more time to explore the story and not feel so rushed. Plus, with how season 1 ended, it would give us time to clear up any lingering questions and add even more depth to all the characters. I’m excited to see more Infected in the next season. Few scenes this season included them, so more would be great!

When you’re lost in the darkness, look for the light.

What are your thoughts on season 1 of The Last of Us? Let us know in the comments or on any of our social medias. Be sure to check back for any updates for season 2.

About author(s)

Amy Barker

Hi, I'm Amy. I was born into the fandom life and was taught all its magical ways. When I am not working, playing video games, attending conventions (where I dabble in cosplay); I am binge watching anything and everything. Though I do have to admit I am more inclined to sci-fi and supernatural genre; though I have a soft spot for historical dramas.