
86: EIGHTY SIX “Spearhead” Review

86: EIGHTY SIX "Spearhead"

Our Rating

Overall Score9.5

86: EIGHTY SIX “Spearhead” Review

86: EIGHTY SIX “Spearhead” is the second episode of the anime 86. With alot more action in it than Episode 1 but still plenty of info this is the perfectly paced episode.

Two Sides of the same coin

The episode begins with the 86 team hanging out and having fun. Shin even admitting that he doesn’t mind the new handler so much. Making pseudo dog-tags for his dead companions, he’s shown immediately as the caring person Lena assumed he was. Then  begins the attack. Almost instantly the 86 team are under attack with 2 hours to prepare. They fight and win pretty easily, mostly down to Shin’s leadership.

Later we see Lena in the command room communicating with 86 during the fight. We see her side of the story and how she starts to learn from Shin’s tactics. They’re starting to work well as a team but neither of them seem to really know it. And if they do, they don’t want to acknowledge it. Lena is about the only one who kinda does, telling her friend about how good a soldier he is.

The truth about the past

During the episode we’re treated to a rare glimpse into a new recruit’s classroom. Lena interrupts and tells the whole class exactly what went on and what’s happening with 86. That they’re human, the same as anyone else and shouldn’t be seen as any less. When they die it should be reported. She strips away in a single speech the glory of San Magnolia and asks why the Colorata should be seen as less important just because they’re not of Alba race.


It’s amazing how this show just gets better and better. The relationship between Shin and Lena is clearly visible to everyone but they don’t wanna say anything. It’s clearly passing a comment on racism and how people shouldn’t be treated as less because they’re different. And whilst it’s easy on the surface to say it’s been done before (and by god it has) that’s not a bad thing. Underneath all of that is a hint of deep corruption in the military as exampled by Lena when she pretty much says she’ll not get punished too bad for what she did because her uncle is the leader.

She knows it and knew, cunningly, that she’d get away with it. Though whether she will or not remains a serious question. Honestly loved this episode, it’s solidifying 86 as anime of the season for me. With every episode there’s more to think about and more to love.

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Hi there! I'm Clara, lifelong geek, gamer and all around nerd. I mainly play console games on PS and XBox and will trophy hunt if the game is good enough. Gaming is my life and I have a real passion for supporting as many independent creators as possible.