The Walking Dead: No Sanctuary

The Walking Dead is finally back and it started with a bang! When last season ended, Rick and the crew were locked in a train car at Terminus. I was hoping that the season opener would be action packed, and they did not disappoint one bit. It was mayhem from beginning to end. Nothing good can come from a place where the motto at Terminus is, “you’re either the butcher or the cattle.” We did get a small glimpse of what lead up to these people becoming cannibals and losing their humanity. Maybe we’ll get a little more insight as the season continues.

After Rick and the crew get gassed out of their train car, we see Rick, Daryl, Bob, Glenn and some others bent over a slaughterhouse trough. And one by one it was a bat to the head, and slice of the throat. I’m not going to lie, I was scared as they were about to make their move on Glenn, but thankfully the two idiots with the bats got interrupted. Such an intense moment disrupted by non other than Carol. The only description I can give Carol is bad ass. She is such an undeniably strong character.

Carol blows up a propane gas tank, disguises herself as a walker, and makes her way through the so-called sanctuary to save her friends. She also manages to find Daryl’s crossbow. Which leads us to a heart-felt reunion when she finally finds everyone escaping Terminus. The reunion with Daryl was emotional and teary, and it was such a good feeling to see Rick embrace Carol as well. She did of course save their lives and managed to blow up a few zombies in the process. But the reunions didn’t stop there. Carol lead Rick to where Tyreese was watching baby Judith. Little did they know that while Carol was blowing up Terminus, Tyreese was kicking some major zombie ass. No question the old Tyreese is back, killing the guy from Terminus who almost harmed Judith.
It was a moment of overwhelming happiness to see Rick embrace his daughter, finally knowing that she survived.
With the majority of the group reassembled, it’s going to lead the way for a lot of questions. The season opener has definitely set the tone for a powerful season ahead.

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This life is a blessing..I travel, I blog, my heart belongs to my family & friends, and refuse to follow the rules...P.S., life is too short to wear boring shoes xoxo