
V-Wars Season 1 Discussion

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Our Rating

Clare's Score7
Jenn's Score8

V-Wars Season 1 Discussion

Many of you may have joined us in the last couple of weeks as we binged brand new Netflix Original show V-Wars. A couple of us in the FANdemonium Network office have binged the show so we decided to have a little chat about it. Please join us for our V-Wars Season 1 Discussion and feel free to weigh in on social media or in the comments with your thoughts.

What drew you to V-Wars, were you a fan of the books/graphic novels or was it something else?

Clare – for me I was aware of the books, etc but it was definitely the cast. Having been a fan of The Vampire Diaries, Bitten and Shadowhunters when I saw the cast list I was blown away. Ian Somerhalder from TVD, Laura Vandervoort and Greg Bryk from Bitten and Kimberley-Sue Murray, Jacky Lai and Sydner Meyer from Shadowhunters all in prominent roles…sign me up!

Jenn – Honestly, the main reason I watched was Ian. I was a big fan of TVD and went to many of the conventions. So I was going to watch it because of him. I didn’t even know there were books or graphic novels at the time. I was shocked by how hooked I got on it.

What was your overall impression of the show?

C – I really enjoyed the show, it was dark, brutal and really exciting. It’s made me want to go and binge read all the books now before the show continues. I did feel like it had some issues though, which made it a little confusing in places.

J – It was dark and exciting. I was beyond impressed with it. I was happy to see Nikki Reed in it, that was a shock. It was neat seeing her playing Ian’s ex-wife being as though they are married. Some places were hardish to follow, I was thankful that I could pause and rewind. Some episodes seemed more rushed than others.

Any negative opinions?

C – Honestly I felt like the timeline seemed very muddled. I kinda want to know how much time passed between Luther and Mike getting exposed to the virus and the declaration of war in the final episode. Also, certain things weren’t very well explained, like the “Vertilac” strain of the virus, those who don’t have to kill like Danika (Sydney Meyer) and Mia (Laura Vandervoort).

J – As I mentioned in the above question, some episodes seemed rushed more than others. And I am with you the timeline of the exposure would be helpful. That part annoyed me.

We mentioned the books/graphic novels before, are you interested in reading them now?

C – Yep, absolutely. A friend of mine, author Keith R.A. DeCandido contributed to a couple of the anthologies, and they’ve been on my radar for that reason, but I am definitely going to check them out now.

J – I would love to read the books now. I think it will (hopefully) fill in a lot of blanks for me.

If you do want to check out the books and graphic novels that inspired the show, they are available via Amazon.

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Has there been any mention of a Season 2?

J – I haven’t heard about it, but the way it ended I want and need more.

C- I haven’t actually heard if there’s going to be a second season yet but I REALLY hope there is going to be more after how that final episode ended!

So, Clare, you mentioned the final episode… Can we PLEASE talk about how buff Ian got!?!

I about died when I saw him in that last episode. I remember telling you about it. I was like DAAYYYYYMMMMM…

C – Yeah that was a real shock. I know you’d mentioned that the last 5 minutes were impressive but good grief I was NOT prepared for that. Ian really got buff and there better be a damn second season cos I NEED to see badass Dr. Swann kicking some Blood ass!

Besides buffed up Ian, did you have a particular favourite moment?

C – Mine was when Ava (Sydney Meyer) and Kaylee (Jacky Lai) first met. Ava gives Kaylee this absolutely predatory look that’s really hot and it just made me giggle cos they played girlfriends on Shadowhunters and I think I saw Sydney comment that she was still filming that show when she started V-Wars so the parallel really stood out.

J – I canna lie. The Ian part is all that is sticking in my mind (laughs). Sorry, not sorry. I mean I didn’t expect to see that or how great he looks.

About author(s)

Clare Hemsworth

Hey, I'm Clare, aka Ciara or C. My current fandoms are RWBY and The Last Kingdom along with a bunch of other stuff I tend to let build up and then binge! I'm a keen, albeit amateur, cosplayer and love attending cons in various cosplays. I'm also the resident comic book girl around these parts, especially small press comics, so if you've got an indie book you want reviewed, I'm your gal! When I'm not doing the fangirl thing I am a keen long-distance hiker, having completed Te Araroa in New Zealand and The Pacific Crest Trail on the West Coast of the US.


Jenn is a Book Lover, Fangirl, Daniel Cudmore's Number one Fan, and Ricky Whittle connoisseur and the "chairwoman" of #TheWhittleExperience. Co-Owner of FANdomConsultants.com. When not found traveling to and from NYC (my home, my heart), reading, or writing on one of the several sites she owns, she's usually on Tumblr stalking Ricky Whittle gifs and scouring the Internet for more goodies on Dan. Jenn is also a budding artist and has her own studio where she creates some fandom made goodies. Follow her on Twitter, & Instagram.

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